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It's been a while. School's been hectic and marching band takes up all free time so yeah. Also, whoever told me senior year is the best year of high school is lying. It's the most time consuming and stressful 😞. I've been working on the next chapter while I can. This chapter was created when I just needed to write something fun and different, to get myself back in the game. So while you're still waiting on the next chapter, here's a little 'What If?' Chapter. Enjoy!

What if Alexandria was a guy?
These are a couple of little parts in the book I thought would be fun to write with Alex being a guy.

(Taking place a week after Alex's first day.)

Ouran Academy, the place filled with wealth, sophistication, judgement, and-

"Look! It's him again!"

"Isn't that Alexander from class 1-A?"

"He's so handsome."

"He looks like a foreigner."

"A dreamy one."

And fan girls. One would think that these girls would freak out over some celebrity or the star football player, but no. Somehow these girls' attention has focused on me, for a whole week. I'm not that good looking. Yes, I'm foreign but I'm averagely tall; my green eyes and blonde wavy hair (that looks like a mop on my head) doesn't make me look above average. At least not in my eyes.

I fumbled with my jacket. The uniform wasn't my style, I mean, who wants to wear a suit and study all day? I can't even function the tie so I left it at home. I had the top three buttons undone as well. I like to breath.

"Alexander Satomi!"

I froze. I knew that angry voice from a mile away and every time it made me freeze. I slowly turned around to see Carol with murder in her dark blue eyes. Her uniform, which consisted of a skirt and the boy's jacket, was disheveled as if she hurriedly put it on. Her brown hair was a little knotted. I assume she hurriedly brushed out her hair as well.

She stomped over to me and before I could defend myself, she punched me in the chest. "What on earth was going through your head?!"

I laughed nervously and held up my hands. "Carol-"

She punched me again. "Why didn't you wake me up you jerk!"

I rubbed my chest to try and dull the pain. She can pack a punch. "You looked exhausted so I figured missing one day wouldn't hurt. It's Friday, and your health is important."

She narrowed her eyes at me as she pouted. Then she sighed. "You're too sweet." She continued walking to class and I followed her. She glanced over and fake gasped. "Where's your tie?"

I gave her a questioning look and replied, "I can't put the stupid thing on."

She grinned and rummaged through her bag. "It's a good thing then that in my hectic morning routine-" she pulled out my tie from her bag, "-I happened to grab it." She grabbed my sleeve making me halt. She then folded up my collar and started to tie my tie for me. "Geez, what would you do if I hadn't followed you here Alex?"

I smiled. "Probably successful." She hit me again and I chuckled. "You know I'm kidding."

She smirked as she tightened the tie. "I know, I just wanted to hit you again. To toughen you up."

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