Ch.22 New Year + Kidnappers = Fluffy Futons

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I snuggled deeper into my blanket and sighed. Winter was among us and I wasn't really fond of it. We got a week off school and Carol and I planned on lounging around the whole time. Especially since I didn't want to go out in the cold.

I made Carol and myself some hot cocoa and we put in a movie. I snuggled deeper into my blanket. Carol sat on the couch as I had made a cocoon on the floor in front of the couch.

We only made it a third into the movie when Carol's phone rang loudly. I paused the movie as Carol accepted the call and put it on speaker.

"You have reached the home of Satomi and Rodger's, how may we help you?"

I muffled a laugh at Carol's joking manner. She was smiling too, and she was holding back laughter.

"Hello, Carol? This is Hikaru-"

"And Kaoru!"

There was some muffled dispute then it was silent again. "I put it on speaker," Hikaru added.

Carol rolled her eyes. "I also have the phone on speaker-Alex is here too."

I took this moment to make myself known. "Yo, what do you guys want?" It wasn't in a irritated tone, I said it in a chipper like tone.

We heard them both chuckle before speaking again.

"We were wondering if you'd like to come to our New Year's party?" Hikaru asked.

Carol and I exchanged looks. We've never been to a party, let alone a New Years one. But it could be fun. Carol stared at me with big puppy dog eyes. She knew I was unsure and she wouldn't go unless I came with her. I nodded to Carol's silent plea. She smiled and told Hikaru we'd love to go. They told us the time and date. It's this Friday, yay.

"Make sure to wear something fancy," Kaoru stated.

Carol rolled her eyes. "Our fancy is your casual."

"Don't worry about that," Hikaru snickered. "We'll decide if what you wear is fancy enough, and if it isn't, we'll give you some of the outfits our mother made for you guys to try on."

"See you there!" Then they hung up.

Carol and I exchanged looks. We both shrugged and went back to watching our movie and drinking our hot cocoa.


Carol and I had a hard time choosing dresses or other outfits that were considered fancy. I had trouble because everything I owned wasn't flashy nor fancy. Carol had trouble because she said nothing she owned was fancy enough.

I ended up wearing a dress that Tamaki had gotten me. It was midnight blue, ankle length dress and that a circular collar. It was fitted up top and loosely flowed down.  I wore a black cover up with long sleeves because it was still cold and I'd freeze. I put on simple black flats I had in my closet. I left my hair as it was and tucked a few strands behind my ear.

Carol decided to wear a quite fancy emerald green dress. It had thin straps and reached right below her knees. It was fitted and had lace trimming the edges. She also wore white flats and a white cover up as well. Carol had also had her hair in a loose bun but she left the bangs down.

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