Ch.15 Conflict Between Brothers.

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"Why are we hiding in the hallway?"

"We're waiting," the twins answered Carol.

"Waiting for what exactly?" I asked.

"You'll find out."

I sighed with their blunt answer. "I can't believe you dragged me from the dark magic club for this."

"You should stay away from that place. They're dangerous. So, in a way, we saved you," Hikaru said.

"Besides, what were you doing there anyway?" Kaoru asked.

I shrugged. "I was having a nice conversation with Nekozawa-senpai about mid-evil art."

Carol narrowed her eyes. "I don't think that's the only reason."

"You're right," I rolled my eyes. "But I really did go there to ask questions over mid-evil art. Also, I went because I enjoy Nekozawa and his club members company. They're really nice people if you just take the time to know them."

Kaoru and Hikaru both gave me a skeptical look. "Are you sure they didn't just put a spell on you to think that?"


Kaoru shook me by my shoulders. "Quick! Someone figure out how to get rid of this spell!"

"Nekozawa-senpai has taken our fragile flower!" Hikaru cried.

I tilted my head slightly to the side with a unamused expression on my face. "Really?"

"Guys I see Haruhi at the club doors," Carol said.

The four of us peaked our heads around the corner and saw her standing in front of the doors. Then a middle schooler walked up to her. He said something then I saw Honey and Mori walking down the hall.

"Is that you Chika!?" Honey asked. "It's rare for you to come to the high school."

"Mitsukuni, prepare yourself," Chika said as he attempted to kick Honey.

Honey easily dodged it by jumping out of the way.

"Here we go," the twins whispered to us as they pulled Carol and I along towards the group.

Haruhi tried to stop it. "Wait! Hold it! What-"

"Mitsukuni dodged Chika's preemptive strike with ease!" The twins chorused while talking into toy microphones.

I ignored them and instead focused on the sparring going on. Chika tried another attack but Honey tripped him. They began to quicken their movements until Chika brought out a pipe.

"Chika has unsheathed his weapon!" The twins said dramatically.

"Shouldn't we stop this?" I asked.

"Naw," Carol responded. "They're boys, let them have their fun."

"Just because they're boys doesn't mean they fight for fun," I countered.

"Hey! Isn't there a rule against weapon usage!?" Haruhi asked.

"Oh, they're at it," I heard Tamaki say behind us. He and Kyoya had just now arrived to the scene.

"They could've picked a better location though," Kyoya sighed out.

"Aren't you bothered by this!?" Haruhi asked.

Chika swung his pipe and hit Honey, pushing him back a foot or two.

"Honey's been pushed back!" The twins yelled. "Will this be Chika's first victory!?"

"No, Mitsukuni won," Mori said.

I glanced down and saw shuriken pinning Chika's pants to the floor. Honey stood up straight and dusted himself off.

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