Ch. 28 A Rose and Her Thorn

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"And I know I shouldn't still care about him," she says with tears pooling at the corner of her eyes. "But I do. And I don't know how to change that. I still get butterflies in my stomach when he looks at me." She shakes her head with sadness consuming her. "I don't regret loving him, but I do regret letting him steal my heart."

He looked at her with pity. He knew exactly what she was feeling at this moment. "My math professor once said that if someone stares at you openly, it means they think you are attractive. But if someone stares at you when you're not looking, it means they are in love with you." He paused and looked up at the millions of stars lighting up the night sky. "I believe that's the reason why we fall for the wrong person. We fall for the ones who show their interest in us and compliment us because the ones who truly love us only loves us in secret."-

"What are you reading?"

I jumped and fumbled with my book. Once I slowed down my heart rate, I glared at the culprit who disturbed my reading. "Why would you scare me like that?"

He grinned like the Cheshire Cat. "Maybe if you weren't so engrossed in your book I wouldn't have scared you." He leaned forward to look at the pages. "What is it anyway?"

I marked my page with a bookmark and shut the book to reveal the title. "The Thorn and The Rose. It's actually very interesting Kaoru."

"I don't know-" he observed the girly, almost romantic, cover. "-It's a love story isn't it?"

I nodded. "Did you need something?"

Kaoru shrugged. "I noticed you weren't talking like the rest of the class."

I looked around at the classroom. Our teacher didn't show up so we just had a study hall. Haruhi had run off to the library while Hikaru and Carol were talking with a few of our classmates. Mostly everyone was making conversations and enjoying this rare opportunity. I let out a little sigh. "I just felt like reading."

Kaoru stared at me for a moment to see if I was lying or not. I wasn't but he didn't know that. He picked up the book and read the description of it. "Are you still having those nightmares?"

I clamped my mouth shut. Since Tamaki and Haruhi had their date a week ago, I've constantly had nightmares. Mostly about the night my parents were murdered. I would have other nightmares about the hosts as well. Usually something bad happened to one of us and it would be horrifying.

Kaoru noticed my lack of response and set the book down. "I'd say that's a yes." He bent over and propped his elbows on my desk, his chin laying on his palms. "Have you thought about dream analysis therapy?"

I shook my head. "I don't need it. I'll be fine in a while."

"How can you be sure?" We stared at each other for a while until I looked away but I caught his frown and concerned expression. "It wouldn't hurt to try. At least see a therapist- anything to stop these nightmares. I can tell you're starting to lack sleep."

I let out a shaky breath. Yes I'd wake up in the middle of the night- that's how you stop them. But I'd struggle to fall back asleep, the adrenaline would be too much. I'm positive that I don't need a therapist to tell me that I have issues. I know this already, but if it made everyone feel better... "Alright Kaoru, if I'm still having nightmares by the end of the week I'll see a dream analysis therapist." He began to smile but I held up a finger to hold his victory. "However, you will come with me- or someone will."

He frantically nodded. "It's a deal." His smile disappeared when I showed no enthusiasm. "Do you have an idea on what might be causing them?"

I let out a groan. "Honestly, I don't. But I have a hunch it's because something is going to happen soon-" I paused and looked him in the eyes. "And it's not going to be good."

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