Ch.11 The Hosts' and Groceries

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Carol groaned again for the millionth time since the three of us left our apartments.  She sighed as the grocery bags in her hands almost dragged across the asphalt.

"Carol stop complaining."

She looked at me and she started to over exaggerate. "Grocery shopping is the worst! You know that! Why couldn't you just leave me at home!?"

"Because all you would've done was sleep." I replied.

"It's Sunday! And it's early! You'd be in bed too!" She whined back.

"I was the one who called her and asked if she'd like to go to the grocery store." Haruhi butted in. "There was a great sale."

"We're all carrying groceries, and we needed food or you'd starve this week."

Carol was going to say something then stopped. "You know, I get it. No food equals no life. I'll get over this."

"You're mood changed really fast." Haruhi said.

We all noticed a group of people crowded around something in front of our apartment building.

"Why are all those people there?" Haruhi asked.

"And why do they need to be in our way?" Carol grumbled.

"They're not in the way. We can go around you know." I said.

We stood back behind the crowd and observed. I soon realized the people had surrounded limousines. The chaffier opened the door for who ever was inside. As soon as I saw the familiar faces I turned towards Haruhi and Carol. Haruhi leaned against the light post and groaned. Carol face palmed the best she could with the groceries still in her hands. I hit my head against the cement wall that guided along the sidewalk.

One weekend without the host club would've been nice.

I heard Tamaki speaking and decided to listen along with Haruhi and Carol.

"We are not here to judge their lifestyle. The words shabby, cramped, and run-down are absolutely forbidden!" Tamaki said sternly.

"Yes sir!" The rest exclaimed except Kyoya and Mori.

"Do not say anything to offend their families that'll make them ask us to leave." Tamaki continued.

"It's too late for that!" Haruhi shouted. "Go away!"

"Haruhi?" Tamaki turned towards us.

"That's pink dress is pretty cute!" They said cheerfully.

"It's going to be prettier than your face once I'm through with you!" Carol growled.

I walked up beside her and sighed. "Don't mind her she's still grouchy."

"Cute outfits you two!" They said to us.

Haruhi was more irritated then ever. "Shut up! Get the hell out of here!"

Tamaki was shocked and started pointing and blaming the twins. The land lady came over to the three of us.

"Hey are you girls all right. Those boys are driving such fancy foreign cars. They aren't the Yakuza are they? Do you need me to call the police for you?"

Tamaki butted in and started to complement her.

"Hey twins."

Carol and I turned around with eyebrows raised. "Um what?"

Hikaru and Kaoru looked at each other and smirked. "You two are twins. That was proof right there."

Carol crossed her arms across her chest. "Excuse me? Do we look like twins to you?"

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