Ch.9 A Day At The Beach

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I stretched and yawned as Carol and I walked down the hallway. Carol was as chipper as ever and kept teasing me with a little scolding.

"I told you not to stay up so late on a school night! Now you won't be as focused," she shouted cheerfully.

I rolled my eyes again. "Yeah yeah I get it. However my art project wasn't finished and it needed to be."

"Who said?"

"I did! You know how much it bugs me when I start an art project and it's not finished!"

She giggled. "Of course I do! You and your OCD with art is very noticeable."

"Is not." I grumbled.

Carol only smirked in response. As we reached music room 2, we found the room to be decked out with decorations. Balloons were everywhere and streamers hung from the ceiling.

"What in the absolute hell?" Carol mumbled.

"You're here!" We heard the care free voice of Ryo.

He ran up to us with a roll of wrapping paper in one hand and tape in the other.

"Why did you guys go all out?" Carol asked.

"Why wouldn't we?" The dark browned haired girl asked. Komori walked up to us with a huge smile. "He's our friend and yours too. It's only right to go all out for his birthday party."

"Yeah! It's gonna be awesome!" Ryo yelled.

"I'm not sure he'll like it," I mumbled. Knowing Ivan I'm sure he'd shrug this off and act like it's not a big deal.

Carol lightly punched my shoulder. "Of course he will! And if he doesn't then we'll force him to appreciate it."

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. "Whatever. Oh Komori have you started on baking the cake?"

She smiled cheekily and laughed. "No I haven't. I'm going to need some help for it to taste good."

"I'll help then. Let's go to the HomeEc. room and bake it there." I turned to Carol and smirked. "Carol can you help with decorations? Ryo would love the help."

She smirked back. "Yeah no problem."

I walked to the HomeEc. room with Komori with the stupid smirk on my face. Carol wanted to try out this new trick she learned from a book she read. It had ways on how to make a person feel guilty and stupid. Of course she instantly thought of trying it on Tamaki, but then she figured Ryouchi would be a better choice.

We made it to the HomeEc. room and I started getting the ingredients out. Komori pre heated the oven and started following the directions in the cook book. While the cake was baking I decided to make some cupcakes as well.

Komori gave me a strange look. "Uh what are those for?"

"Hm? The cupcakes?" I pointed at the box and she nodded. "They're for the host club. I think they'd be upset if I didn't bring anything from the party, so these cupcakes will have to do."

Once we got done icing the cake and cupcakes, I grabbed some candles. We walked into music room 2 and set the cake on the table set up. I put the cupcakes near mine and Carol's backpacks. Then I heard Ryo yelling.

"Alex! Carol won't leave me alone! She's confusing me!" He ran to me and pouted. "That's not cool."

"Awe come on," Carol said as she walked into the room. "It was amusing."

"No it was mean! You're a bully!" Ryo shot back.

She only shrugged. "I'll admit I am in a way, however I'm also very sweet."

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