Ch. 32 Racing Against Time

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"He didn't come to school today?"

Kyoya shook his head in response to Haruhi. "No, and no one from the Suoh household called to let the school know."

It was currently the next day. We all came to school as normal but Tamaki was nowhere to be found. Of course, I understand why, he must be feeling and dealing with a lot right now. I know I wouldn't be in the best shape or let alone be thinking about school.

"I just received Tachibana's report as well." Kyoya opened his phone, reading off the message he had received. "At this morning's board meeting, the director's retirement was officially decided."

"Then the article was true..." Koaru's voice turned solemn. "But there's one thing that I still don't get."

"How does the revival of the Grantenue company have anything to do with the Suoh's director being removed?" Hikaru questioned for his twin. "Is it just that the chairman always planned for them to happen at the same time?"

"Well..." Kyoya trailed off as he glanced over to the crowded hallway. Seeing the other students gathered together, pointing at a newspaper with hushed conversations. "It seems the news is causing a stir here as well. I hope he doesn't end up creating an awkward fuss."

I didn't think much of Kyoya's statement. Tamaki will be back soon, I just know it.


Five days. Five days had passed and Tamaki never came back to school. I should've brushed off Kyoya's thoughts so easily. I just needed to think positive even for a moment, because right now I'm starting to feel a wave of anxiety.

"Yes, everyone is starting to get worried," Kaoru stated as we all looked to the students huddled together.

"Boss didn't come to school today either," Hikaru sighed.

Kyoya nodded. "He's been absent for five days now. It seems Tamaki has been ignoring his father entirely."

"What?" Carol exclaimed in disbelief. "Tamaki is doing that?"

Kyoya nodded. "He's knocked on his grandmother's door every day since she began confining herself to her room, and keeps vigil outside her room."

I really want to cry right now. Hearing how much Tamaki is going through and how diligent he is to his grandmother who seems to hate him has my mind in a whirl. Of course, I blinked away my tears because the last thing Tamaki needs is to worry about me. I need to be strong so he can focus on himself.

"I've discussed it with Hunny and Mori, and I think it's about time I went over to see him this afternoon. How about all of you?"

"I'm coming!" My outburst made everyone turn their attention to me. I stared back at Kyoya and answered his question. "I'm going with you, I need to see that he's doing okay."

"I'll go too! Please let me come along!" Haruhi looked determined. I knew she also needed this because whether she accepts it or not, she loves Tamaki. Even seeing him for just a moment would be enough to help her mind be at ease.

Kyoya called for vehicles and soon we were all piled in two cars. Once we arrived at Suoh Mansion, I felt the wave wash over me again. My hands began to tremble and breathing felt like a foreign concept. Surely I am only overexaggerating, nothing bad will happen. Taking a few deep breaths and having Carol hold my hand helped me calm down.

We all walked up to the tall, white, metal gates that I had seen not too long ago. Kyoya pressed the grey button, calling into the mansion. After the voice on the other side stated to give them a moment, Hunny-senpai brought a hand up to his chin in confusion. "They're not going to drive us off like they did last time?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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