16. look its your boyfriend

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A/N hey loves, it's me again! Here is another chapter, I'm not really sure where it's going to take us...... so with that being said please comment saying whether you want more school chapters or texting ones. Happy reading!

Remus pov

I was sitting at Gordrics coffee shop waiting for lily to be done with her shift, I had my book out though I wasn't really reading it.

I was over thinking things as usual, thinking about how stupid I had been the other day, thinking about a certain pair of pretty blue-gray eyes, thinking about school, thinking about padfoot and what he told me to do the other day. Lily came over interrupting the thoughts crowding my head.

"Hey rem what up?" She said setting down her stuff along with a cup of cocoa for me and a latte for her.

"Mmm nothing much" I told her after taking a sip of my cocoa realizing it was way to hot "ah fuck I think I burned my tongue!" I practically yelled, earning a giggle from lily.

She raises her auburn eyebrows at me with a huge smile on her face. "What you thought it was going to be cold or something?" And she laughs at me again, throwing her head back like it was the funniest thing in the world. She snorts then cover her mouth, all I can do is laugh at her back.

"Well no but I didn't think it was gonna be that hot" I probably sounded like I was whining but I didn't really care at that point.

"Awe you poor baby" yep I knew I was whining, lily never misses a beat " why do you think they call it hot chocolate?"she emphasizes the word hot just to prove her point, which she really didn't have to, I got the jist just fine by myself.

Just then the bell rings and lily smiles at whoever's just walked in. This will me good I think to myself. I still dont turn around though, there's no point lily will say who it is if it important.

"Hey look rem it your boyfriend"

I turn around slowly "I dont have a-" and there in all his punk rock glory is Sirius Black at the counter ordering his drink, the bell rings again and it James Potter. Lily's smile fades. "Hey look lily its your boyfriend" I say in a mocking tone, the same way she said it to me.

"Ew in my dreams" I raise my eyebrows at her and her eyes go wide once she realized what she said. "Nooooo I meant in his dreams not mine his!" She rushes her words as if she couldn't get them out fast enough. I know she actually does like him but wont admit it. I see a light blush on her cheeks as she goes to sip her latte.

I was hoping when Sirius and James got their drinks they would leave. Nope. They had to walk over to us. I put my head down reading my book and pretending not to notice them. Lily kicks me under the table, I look up and see Sirius looking at me. I scootch over so he can sit next to but lily still hasn't moved.

"Lily scootch over so james can sit down" I tell her smugly.

"Ugh fine" she slide over so shes next to the wall and James happily sits down next to her.

I turn and look at Sirius "hey" I realize our knees are touching he seems to know to but dosen't make an effort to move them so neither do I.

"Were you guys on a date or something because if so I'm sorry and we can leave" Sirius says slightly rushed.

I turn to look at lily and we both laugh, Sirius looks super confused and James glares at me. "What no we're not dating" I manage to say through laughs.

"But you said you had a girlfriend" I decide to look over at James and he is looking at me with kinder eyes at the news of me not being lily's boyfriend.

"I had a boyfriend" I say looking down and my knee starts bouncing up and down nervously.

"Boyfriend" he looks at me curiously.

"Yeah and if you say anything about it I'll shave you head!" Lily demands rather rudely but it get the point across. Sirius just puts his hands up defensively.

"Woah back up princess, why would I care what sexuality Remus identitys as?"

"I dont know you just seem like someone who might care" she says slightly embarrassed now.

"Yeah because I have the right to be homophobic when I'm like mega gay" he says smiling and winking at lily.

"Oh" is all lily can say along with a nervous laugh.

"Wait you said had?" Sirius turns a bit to look at me directly.

"Ummmm yeah" my knee is still bouncing nervously hitting his leg slightly but doesn't say anything about it still. "We ummm broke up"

"Oh I'm sorry" he says placing a hand on my knee to stop it from bouncing. I blush slightly."You know there's nothing to be nervous about I'm not going to out you to the school amd neither is James."


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