21.I just want to be a demigod

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A/n hey loves! Sorry I've been MIA but I'm back now, AND I have a few parts actually planned out! It's crazy I know. Well happy reading! This isnt a super eventful chapter but its important for the next chapter.

Remus pov

I've had these scars on my face for four years now, and every time I see a glimpse of myself in the mirror I dont recognize what  I once was. My mom always tells me that scars dont make me who I am, but where I've been. I dont that that's true.

They make me utterly revolting, no body would want to love someone so repugnant like me.  I pretend I'm okay when I'm truly not. Its not that many people care how I really am. They pass bye me with only a second glance to look at my ghastly face.

The scars aren't as bad as they were during 8th grade and freshman year, they were deep red gashes the longest of them starts just a smidge above my left eyebrow going diagonally across my face down to my right cheek, one above of that one and two below it.

Everyone made fun of me when I went back to school after the incident with stitches all over my face, that's when I got my first nickname, Frankenstein. Then it only got worse through the year, so the summer before I went to high school we moved.

I have to admit it has been hard to make friends which is no surprise. Beside lily I have no other close friends.

I hate myself, I hate most people, I hate broccoli, I hate severus snape, and I even hate my principle Dumbledore.

That's why I love reading so much, I dont have to talk to people or deal with problems. It let's me escape to my own paracosm, live other lives, be the hero for once, battle with swords and shields, go on quests to save the world. And most importantly escape from myself.

We all want to escape something, go somewhere else because anywhere is better than where you actually are. We just run and run and run, yet we get no where. We'll always be stuck and anyone who says that they've never tried to run or escape or have been stuck, then their lying.

People compare their lives with roller coasters, mine seems to have more lows then highs, or maybe I'm teetering just at the top ready to plummet to rock bottom with the tiniest push.

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