My Scary and Bizarre Evening

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Dear Jesus,

I could still hear John's baritone voice praying fervently beside me. I knew I was also praying but those sounds were like echoes coming from a far distance.

Faintly, I could still feel the soft evening breeze caressing my skin and the lush grass upon which I knelt.

The darkness of my closed eyelids parted like a Broadway theatre curtain at the first entrance of the actors of a drama.

The actors of this vision appeared. They were normal humans like us who were walking but I couldn't pinpoint the location of this scene. I just saw lots of people, some in groups, some alone.

It would have been normal if not for the fact that I saw on a majority of those people a queer thing.

Those vile snakes I saw in that tree behind Sarafoods, plenty replicas of them were on these people. They encircled their wrists and ankles and torso and neck, like parasites. And these snakes would sink their fangs into the veins of their host, drawing out blood in the process.

As they sucked the blood of their victims, the snakes would grow longer and bigger, further strangling whatever part of their host they were entangled to.

I watched as some of those snakes sank their venomous fangs into the jugular of their victims.

As the poison travelled through their system, I saw a hideous transformation taking place.

These people would still have the basic human shape but their eyes glazed over to a dull black colour, tiny worm like snakes would grow spontaneously in place of their natural hair, their skin melted off to give a slimy texture, and their tongues as they spoke resembled that of a serpent's– forked and long.

The funny thing was that they didn't behave as if they knew what was happening to them.

And I saw some warriors, not fully suited but warriors nonetheless, among them. These were not affected by the snakes except on the exposed parts of their body, particularly their back.

Few fully armoured warriors walked with them but said nothing to the wounded and transmutated victims. Those who dared to try to speak and tell these victims of their state would be lashed at and attacked until they gave up.

As I watched all this unfold before my very eyes within minutes, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying to me, in an albeit solemn tone, "This is what is going on in the world today."

"All they have to do is look up to Jesus who was lifted on the cross. But how will they, when they're too stubborn to admit that they are sick."

"That is why those who are healed, my chosen ones must intercede that the veil will be lifted from their eyes. My warriors must launch attack on the serpents not on the people."

"Radiance, this is my burden."

The vision lifted. And we were still praying in tongues.

My eyes shot open. It was beginning to get dark as the sun was almost completely hidden by the western hills.

I didn't know that tears streaked my face until John stopped praying, opened his eyes, looked at me and said, "Radiance, why are you crying?"

The gravity of what I had just seen dawned on me. I had seen souls in bondage and Christian warriors either wounded or nonchalant.

The grieved whisper of the Holy Spirit echoed in my mind.

This is my burden...

This is my burden...

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