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Dear Jesus,

Genevie has travelled today to the United States. She left two days ago. So did Hirena and my Aunt June.

I and my clique of friends saw them off in teary goodbyes. We promised to keep in touch with one another.
Jerry kept whimpering. I think he didn't want to leave either. I stroked his fur and scratched the back of his ears with both hands. I'm going to miss that big darling.

New year celebration is in three days' time. They wanted to avoid the holiday rush. Still, the travel fee was twice its normal amount.

By next week, I also will have to travel to McChyenne College. I have to get there early so as to validate my scholarship, complete my course registration, and secure my hostel accommodation before academic work starts fully.

Just the thought that I'll be travelling by air unchaperoned for the first time is an exciting, yet scary, prospect for me.
I'm just hoping a combination of airsickness, homesickness and anxiety won't make me to be sent straight back home.

I mean, just think of it! I'm gonna be launched into the beginning of the real world. No one will know that I'm a PK except I tell them. I'll no longer be under my parents' protective hedge.

To some people, that's what freedom means. But, when I think of how much I'll miss home, I really don't anticipate that kind of freedom.

This is McChyenne College we're speaking of here. The best government-owned higher institution, situated in the country's capital state.

*Fans self*
Jesus, I must admit, I'm a bit nervous.
My only solace is that I have friends—Kathy, John and Pris—who are also going to the same College as I.
Though we're studying different courses and might not really see one another, I'm at least reassured that I'm not going to a place full of hundred percent alien folk.

Today is Saturday. After I returned with my Mom from shopping for yet another set of kitchen utensils, I entered my room and flopped on my bed, drained to the bones. Before long, I dozed off.

Then, I had a dream.

Now, ever since you gave me the gift of the seer, I have been noticing trends. Trends such as very important revelations being shown to me when I'm asleep, while the urgent ones come as an open vision.

So, in this dream, I was in the midst of students who were hurrying towards a class. I would have passed this off as an offspring of my excitement to resume college, but something was strange.

We were all walking down a slope. Almost everyone, except I, was walking in slow motion like sedated zombies.

At first, the terrain wasn't steep, but as we moved further, the slope became more and more dangerous.
At a point, many of these students began to slip and fall. Majority were staggering and trying hard to maintain balance.

I was walking amidst them and felt what they felt. Like I wanted to fall. Like any slight misplacement of my feet would send me down.

In that dream, I was wondering, what was happening? We were supposed to be headed for a class. Where did this lead to?

After what seemed like a long passage of time, I felt my legs give way and I stumbled.

JESUS! I screamed. My voice prolonged and trailed.

As I fell, arms flailing, I cried, because I knew wherever the slope ended wasn't going to be a soft landing. It was going to be a dash to death.

Just as I was about to hit the rocks, I felt a strong hand pull me up. Your hand. Your mighty right hand, Jesus.

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