Me And My Friends

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Dear Jesus,

"Wake up sleepy head," mom's voice shrilled into my wonderful dreamy state.

I mumbled and turned on the bed, covering myself with my blanket.

She went over and opened my balcony door and put up all my curtains. The ray of the sun slitted in unrestricted, defying the cover of my blanket and entering my eyes.

Great, just great! I groaned as I woke up.

"It's already past nine. I just wanted to be sure that you're still alive," mom said with a grin.

"WHAT!!!" I screamed as I jumped out of bed. My jumbled mind still thought today was a school day. I relaxed a few seconds later when I realised that wasn't the case.

I proceeded to make my bed and hurriedly take my bath and then have my late quiet time. There was so much to put in place for the love feast tomorrow.


The time was 11:16am by the digital time on our microwave. Mom and I were in the kitchen washing, sorting and arranging the dishes we'll use for the love feast tomorrow and we were just about rounding up when I heard the ringing of our doorbell (technically, the power was on at that moment. Otherwise, our electrically powered doorbell wouldn't have rung.)

I strode from the kitchen to the front door and opened it.

And before me stood Kathy and Pris, the two most important persons to me in this world, apart from you Lord (your own category is outta this world) and my wonderful parents.

I was shocked. They were the last people I expected seeing at my door. Kathy's close by and comes quite often with Faith; but Pris, this was her first time stepping into my house.

I stood mouth agape as my sly friends giggled at my shocked expression. I squealed and hugged them both. I'd missed them already.

Okay, yes I saw them just two days ago. But I was planning on group video calling them both on WeChat, once I was done with the chores to tell them 'bout my yesterday adventure. And here they were. It made it all more easier.

"Uhm... Aren't you gonna let us in?" Kathy finally said.

"Omigosh! I'm sorry," said I as I opened the door wide for them to step in. 

"What's the occasion, you guys visiting me, especially you Pris?"

"Ray! Who's there?" Mom's musical voice echoed from the kitchen, cutting off whatever it was that Pris was about saying.

"My friends," I yelled back. Yeah, I can do that. She's my mom after all.

I took them to my mom who was in the kitchen, through the parlour, adjacent my parent room wing.

Mom's hair stuck to her sweaty face. I must admit that she looked funny dressed up in her work mode clothes: armless top and baggy cotton pants. I felt kinda embarrassed for her. I mean we weren't expecting any visitor.

Mom wasn't even a bit fazed by the unannounced visit. She welcomed them cheerfully.

"How are you doing Kathlyn? And how about your family?"

"We're all fine ma'am. Good morning" Kathy replied as she slightly bowed.

"And let me guess, you must be Priscilla. My daughter has told me so much about you," mom said, addressing Pris.

"Yes, Mrs Abraham. It's so nice meeting you. Well done ma'am," she said in a small voice. She was feeling shy?

"Oh you girls should stop calling me ma'am. You're making me feel old. Julia would do."

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