Exam Starts

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Dear Jesus,

Day one!

Day one of the series of days to come that will determine if I’ll make it to my dream college, McCheynne College.
I prayed and felt your leading to study gynaecology as my course in college. Apart from the joy of assisting in the birth of a new child, I want to be a light and fight again abortion, the murdering of unborn destinies. The case of Felicia also made me to see that some pregnant ladies are victims of circumstances. I want to be able to lead them to Christ. I guess my love and passion for children won't go down the drain then. I initially wanted to study paediatric medicine but you showed me a better purpose.

The preparation for my final examination has been consuming my time. Study, lessons and tons of mock tests prepared for us by our teachers… I feel like I could swoon under the weight of it all.

Felicia, having fully recovered, was hesitant to return to school. It was Priscilla, Kathlyn and I who encouraged her that since she's not yet heavy with the pregnancy, she should at least write her final exams so that she can get her certificate.

She had the fear of what people will say. We told her to ignore any snickering if they eventually discover. We also encouraged her to be strong in You.

I hope she'll be able to stand. Her school, St Louis High, is renown for spreading and twisting rumors so bad and so fast that the focal point will almost literally die of shame.

We started our SCE (Senior Certificate Examination) today. First paper’s English language; paper 1 (which is the essay, comprehension passage and summary part) and paper 2 (that’s the multiple choice question part).

Before I left for the exam center at school, dad and mom prayed for me. Dad anointed me with the anointing oil. I believe that the anointing for wisdom is upon me and that I’ll get favour in the sight of the examiners in your name.

Another problem, or should I say temptation, I faced was the pressure to engage in exam malpractice.

This being an external examination, we had a very nonchalant invigilator sent to our center. In fact during the exam, the man was so comfortable to doze off while the giggling students freely indulged in ‘helping’ each other out.

Priscilla later told us that some of them had laid their hands on the questions and answers for that paper on the internet prior to the start of the exam this morning. They called it EXPO.

‘The Dazzling Diamonds’, with Genevie as their mouthpiece of course, even came to confront me that I snubbed their advances at me to help them during the exam.

I explained to them as calmly as I could muster that I can’t engage in such sin against God and that they should also stay clear of such sin for their own good.

They scoffed and after hurling some derogatory remarks and threats at me, they walked away from me were I was revising Lexis and Structure under a shed.

Kathlyn and Priscilla came back from the tuck shop where they went to get some snacks and I briefed them about my short ordeal while they were away. We encouraged ourselves in the Lord and prayed both for those girls and ourselves.
We continued joint revising until the time for our next paper. 

Something strange occurred during the course of the second paper.

A girl in SS3 Humanities class, whose name is Michelle suddenly started writhing in pain while clutching at her tummy.

It was so severely frightening cos she fell to the floor and was groaning in agony.

If not for the fact that we were in an exam hall, I would have gone to pray for her. Since I couldn’t, I remained in my seat and silently prayed that you take care of her while the disruption was causing panic in the hall. Paramedics were called upon to cart her away to the sickbay.

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