The Greater Seer

142 53 19

Dear Jesus,


After my amazing encounter with you, I got two more emails. One was from the SSCE board saying that they want to feature me in an interview and present me an award for the outstanding result I got.

The second mail was from McChynne College. They said they were happy to have the best student in SSCE choose their school as her first choice, and so they offered me a full scholarship.

I literally squealed upon reading that. Was that the 'more' you meant? You went beyond my imagination.
The entire house was jubilant all through the rest of our up time that night.

Very late in the night, I stood at the balcony, staring at the stars, glorifying your name when my phone beeped. It was a message from Fredrick. Lydia is now doing well, skipping like a lamb, asking for me. I smiled and typed back a reply, telling him to greet her for me. I switched off my phone and went to sleep.


I had to receive permission from Mommy Sarah that for occasional leaves of absence due to my now-busy schedule. I asked that she permit Hirena to stand in for me. It was killing two birds with one stone—the birds of Hirena's boredom and Mommy Sarah's need for workers.

I went to school upon the request of my principal. He had also received a letter of congratulations from the SSCE board.
Delegates from the board came to our school. In the presence of few teachers and the principal, we had the interview. I made sure to ascribe all glory to you, Lord.

I must say, it felt a bit awkward to be the focal point of those large, light-beaming cameras. The same cameras I had sworn to detest because of the scandal that happened not too long ago.


I went to Sarafoods. A hop, pop and top, time skipped by. The customers are increasing more and more. I wasn't surprised when Mommy Sarah cut up a white, plastic cardboard, wrote in her cursive handwriting, 'Apply for restaurant job here!', and plastered it at the front door.

Evening came, and so did Bible study. Hirena, later when we got back home, said you were training her on how to meditate on your word. Meditation is a level of intimacy.

Mrs Carey couldn't make it for the Bible study at church. In fact, she didn't show up for church office duties that morning. Dad was so concerned that he drove straight to her house after the service.

She was down with a cold, made worse by the harsh harmattan wind. Her daughter, Mary, a slim, blue-eyed lady, was there tending to her mother. I felt guilty for not keeping to my promise of visiting her after my exam. I've been so busy that I hardly even have time for myself.


Nothing much happened today. I went to Sarafoods. John tried to prepare coffee and it came out horrible. I was the unlucky victim who tasted it. I think I lost all sense of taste in my buds until the magical wand of peppermint helped me to clear my tongue again.

Lesson number one for today? Never ever eat anything prepared by the male specie. It's simply not in their genetic make up. Except my Dad: he cooks quite well.

We had a prayer meeting on Holy Priesthood group. It was awesome.
I forwarded the invite for the vigil to them.

I remembered to forward it to Trisha too.


"I have decided, to follow Jesus. No turning back... The cross before me, the world behind me. No turning back..." I sang as I climbed down the stairs.

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