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Dear Jesus,

I knelt in the warm, golden sand and bowed my head, my heart pounding as I willed it to calm down.

I could feel my friends' eyes fixed on me. Seven pairs of expectant, fascinated eyes.

"Holy Spirit, come. Just as you promised," I whispered, concentrating my spirit on you.
I could feel the build up in the spiritual atmosphere, like tingling sensation all over me. I focused more and prayed softly in tongues.

I heard gasps escaping from my friends' throats.
The cross seals had lighted up blue. I knew; the tingling was concentrated there.

"He is here," I said and I opened my eyes.

John, who was staring at my face exclaimed, "Radiance! Your eyes!"
I didn't know why he said that.

More gasps poured out from the mouths of my friends.

But I wasn't seeing them alone. We were surrounded. By the Host.

I didn't see their complete forms, but I saw the lighted outlines of angelic spirits behind each of my friends. Most probably their guardians.
I saw Gloria's outline beside me too.

"Link hands," Holy Spirit said.

All my friends were already under the influence of the Holy Spirit. It was as if we knew what to do immediately.
We formed a small circle, kneeling, hands holding together and we began to speak in tongues softly.

I'm now wondering what the lifeguards and few beach-lovers who were present must have thought of our cluster.
Fanatics, perhaps.

I would have laughed at them. Fanaticism was out of the picture. This was reality. If only they could see what I was seeing.

Apart from seeing the angelic host faintly, I also sighted leaping waves of glory flowing through our linked hands like water through pipe ducts. It flowed out of our mouths like water pouring out a facet.

Hirena, whose left hand I held, was vibrating slightly as if electric currents were passing through her body.
Kathy and Gen were your medium of communication; my two friends who you gifted with the Word gifts: interpretation of tongues and prophecy.

"The greater seer is coming. You'll meet him soon. He'll help you in the next phase of your journey," Kathy said. I was holding her right hand and could feel the squeeze of her fingers around mine as she said this. I knew Holy Spirit was directing that message to me.

Exactly what I needed. The visions sometimes come with such intensity and fevor that it would scare me. Sometime I see demons, frightful things I cannot tell the people who are enslaved by them, lest they tag me insane.

My comfort times are when I see you. Like that present moment on the beach, the soft waves lapping, the harmattan breeze swaying tiny bits of dust in the air.

I smiled. Then I felt your touch. On my iris.
I don't know how to explain it. It's like the core of my eye received a drop of extremely cool and soft eye salve. It lingered for a while. Then it stopped.

When it was over, fifteen minutes later, we all sat silently on the sand, each one of us musing on our various experiences.

"How much Jesus loves us!" Grace exclaimed softly.

Sighs greeted her. Sighs of agreement and content.

"Radiance! First your arms glowed blue, then your eyes..." Hirena said, her voice tinged with new wonder.

I etched my eyebrows. What was she talking about.

"Your brown eyes were rimmed gold," John said as he looked at me.

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