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M A K A Y L A 

I woke to the sound of a shower in the other room. Rolling myself over I tapped the wrist holo on the side desk and saw it was only 7am. I groaned and pulled a pillow over my head.

Did she ever lie in...

I heard another door open towards the front of the flat but didn't put much thought into it. Maybe Alex had a cleaning crew now–

A low voice suddenly cleared his throat. My eyes flew open and I turned to see Alex's second stood there impassively staring me down. I glanced towards the bathroom before glaring at the towering man with vicious tattoos down the side of his face.

"Can I help you, Proximo?" I demanded, suddenly remembering his earlier words and my very bare body under the sheets.

"You can put some clothes on and join me in the surveillance hall." He stated unbothered by my appearance.

"You could have commed–"

"You do not seem to respond effectively to comms." He grunted, tucking his hands behind him and raising an eyebrow.

"Can this not wait a few hours?" I asked exasperated by his utter nonchalance at any of my feelings clearly directed at his cool demeanour–but when has he ever...

"I'll see you in five minutes." He summarised for me, turning on his boot and striding quickly away. "Scorpion does not need to be involved." He added over his shoulder.

This made me frown. When I heard the front door close I jumped out of bed and started throwing clothes on. I didn't bother with sheaths and weapons. I pulled a skin tight, long sleeved top over me and pulled my hair up into a chaotic ponytail.

I secured my wrist holo and still heard the water running when I crossed the room and hit the lift at the end of the hall.

The surveillance floor was much busier than the day we had walked its glass halls. Division members seemed intent on finding something–or someone. A man in thick glasses almost walked through me as I dodged him and caught a thick smell of coffee in the air.

"Makayla!" Proximo called, gaining the attention of several techs around me.

I caught his calculating steel eyes and paced towards where he was huddled with others around a large hologram table. 

"Kill the lights." Proximo ordered as I neared.

The room instantly became dark around our area and I looked at the blue glow of outer sectors. Proximo typed quickly into the desk and others took details and notes on holo pads. I waited impatiently until he finally raised his eyes to me and several techs dispersed around him.

"I think you owe me an explanation." I deadpanned crossing my arms.

He scoffed, "I need not lecture you on importance of Division affairs–"

"Not that." I cut in with a dark glare. "You last night. Landing that bomb on me when I was completely unprepared to deal with it!" I hissed.

He leant back against the desk and crossed him thick arms between us–the effect was much more intimidating than I had a hope to achieve.

"Do not keep secrets from me or our leader and you will not find yourself in trouble." He said simply, watching me closely.

"Like you don't keep your own secrets." I scoffed.

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now