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"Another fucking spineless moron." I stated over the comm link.

"You say that about everyone working for us." Scorpion drawled into my wrist with a smirk.

"Well he won't think of leaving his post ever again." I responded darkly.

There was a pause and I took my eyes off cleaning my plasma rifle to see a curious look cross her golden eyes.


"Is that a new look?" She questioned, eyeing my hairline–marginally grown out from the harsh buzz cut into my skull.

I ignored her and continued polishing the titanium alloy.

"It's none of my business but–"

"Let's end that sentence while it is still truthful." I deadpanned.

She chuckled lightly, leaning back in her chair. A modest hotel they were furnished in. I could have them in the best Naxos possessed overnight but she had insisted...

"How is Miss Xavier's training?" I kept my voice level despite inching towards irony.

"Well, there wasn't much to work with in the first place–"

I heard some colourful cursing in the background and watched her dodge a flying projectile. I grinned as I worked on the gun in my hands.

"That is also an insult to my own training." I noted.

"You didn't really train her now did you, Proximo." Scorpion, stated dryly.

I levelled her with an empty look.

"So I assume she can swing a real punch now." I said in a bored tone.

"Throw in three engaging hostiles and sub zero temperatures and you're getting closer." She answered, glancing up as if to catch her eyes in the room just then.

I smirked back at the holo. "Perhaps she can fly by next week and display her new skill in our base of operations. We have an outstanding new combat facility." I told her with dark promise.

"Your attempts to get me back are so subtle." She said sweetly–with nothing sweet in it.

I grunted and pushed the gun away, giving her my full attention. "It's not a case of attempt it's a case of when." I sat more prominently in my chair. "You have new friends in low places wanting that seat on the table."

She drummed her fingers against a desk as she listened to me. It was like she had the conversation in her head already a thousand times. I waited patiently watching every detail of her sharply defined features.


I released my breath. "I don't suppose anything specific?"

She stared at me flatly and I nodded my head. "That is good news, Scorpion. I only look to discourage our enemies."

"As you should. The weeks that we have been away have been invaluable–for both of us." She added finally, looking off to something else.

I met her eyes in the hologram and nodded. "I understand."

"Good. Now stop wasting both our time and take care of my sectors." She ended bluntly.

I grinned with a tip of an invisible hat. "Always."

The comm died and she vanished from the glass room. The glass around me unclouded and the fire pit brightened slightly. I pushed back from the long desk and the holo screens neatly fitted themselves back into the desk as I moved away.

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now