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My lungs burned through the sub zero air. I threw up heavy boots of snow and ice as I crashed through the snowy terrain. Blood coated the palms of my hands and my pursuers closed in ever closer. Ever faster. But I too had improved.

I ducked between rocky shards and skidded sharply to the right of a sheer face of tall rock. I tried to control my ragged breathing–tried to focus my mind just right–

When a black hooded figure lunged around the corner I stepped low, locking his arm and using his momentum against him. He sailed over into the rock with a grunt. Another was upon me then with a wild swing. I dodged and kicked a leg out at his knee making him drop. I then snapped a foot into his chest sending him back in a puff of white.

I couldn't stop the third. He lunged at my waist and took us off our feet. When he had me on the ground his weight worked against me. He struck me in the face sharply and my head whipped back. I tried to block the next jabs that hit me relentlessly. Then the others began getting to their feet. Two grabbed my arms and shoved me onto my knees before the dark eyed mercenary.

He drew his hand back and whipped it into my stomach. The air left me and I gasped in more icy air. He repeated this three more times before they stopped. Blood leaked from my lips. I could feel the salt in my eyes threatening to leave me. I bit back the emotion.

My head dipped to the white snow below. I watched the drops of my blood hit it in stark contrast. 

Then something just as stark appeared in the snow. The mercenaries held me firmly as a dark figure in a red cloak approached me. A black mask covered all but a burning pair of golden eyes. There was no remorse in them.

Her strides were quick. A lethal efficiency in everything she did.

She dropped into a crouch as they held me by the arms. Those burning eyes gave nothing away. I had asked for this after all. Asked her to make me into something as lethal as the men and women walking the streets of the outer sectors. Turn me into a member of her Division.

She drew a hidden blade and pressed it into my thigh slowly. I grit my teeth, never taking my eyes off her. Even when the metal sunk lower and my pain starting sounding out through my teeth over the cold winds.

"The poison will make you hallucinate." She told me calmly, holding my gaze as if experiencing this pain with me. When I looked back at her I saw a part of her recognising what I felt and living it by my side. "Your will and drive shall determine how long before you start losing the fight against it."

The hired men at arms dropped me and she rose to a stand. The wind ripped strands of blonde hair away from my braid. I had no hood or mask against the elements. My nose had long ago grown numb to it.

"Get up." She ordered.

I took a deep breath and rose to my feet. She dropped a nod and an armoured man front kicked me off my own. I hit the ground quickly, the snow only slightly breaking the feel of sudden force smashing into your back. I used it to fuel my anger. I threw a leg between one of them and twisted sharply, pulling him to the ground. Another moved to engage but I was already on my feet. Trying to forget and not calculate how many more seconds I would have before the poisoned wound on my leg started taking a toll.

The heavy set man threw two quick jabs before I locked his arm and elbowed his lungs. He coughed and staggered back as another engaged me. But now the white snow started tinting purple. My breaths felt wet and my arms heavy.

I shook my head trying to clear it. Scorpion watched me under a crimson hood. Pacing before the dogged fight like an entirely different predator. 

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now