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M A K A Y L A 

We stared at the map for what seemed like hours. The room was dark around us and no other bodies dared to fill the room as Velron mapped out the hideous red spots where pipelines, dispersal towers and other devices were located in the city. He gave models, designs and ideas of what to look for. It only filled me with more nausea. 

I had never attended these meetings to discuss such things. I was a pretty object floating around Sector 1 until he tired of me and set up my execution–


I ripped my eyes off the floating image on the wide table and met Proximo's cold gaze.

"I said you should find Scorpion. I will secure this dear man and then I have my own business to attend to." He finished, lurking over Velron as he slid his hands away from the hologram slowly. Sudden moves around Proximo never did end well.

I nodded half heartedly catching Velron's steady gaze. His green eyes seemed closer to the ocean in colour over the hologram. They seemed fearful.

I gave him a weak smile of reassurance I couldn't guarantee with Proximo in his care. But he had promised different accommodation than a cell. I had to hope that meant better treatment than a prisoner too.

I turned my back on them both. My thoughts swirled with the implication that my father–or his predecessors–installed kill switches in every sector if they ever lost control. Was anyone capable of possessing a soul anymore? Was collateral damage a given... I ran my finger against the edge of a blade on my forearm. Considering my existence in 1.

My ignorance was hardly an excuse. Just because I attended the mindless events and sipped all the champagne flutes offered didn't make my hands clean. My father had been a monster under the same roof. I didn't need this information to know as much. I paused before the elevator pondering it all. Truly I did want to go to Alex and share the burden. But her body was healing. She did not need the city's problems yet again on her shoulders...

I stepped into the glass box and hit the craft bay instead.

A few guards stopped the lift between floors and chatted easily, hardly regarding me as they held their holos and took comms. Life in the Division went on. But so few knew what it took to hold it all in place. 

I needed a god damn drink.

The doors pinged open and a number of armed men stepped out discussing a trade routes and credit charges. I avoided eye contact with engineers and techies. With anyone. I danced under a woman who swung a long armed cleaner for craft wind shields.

Then found a discreet looking fusion craft. Not much armour. No weapons. Perfect.

I was steps from the door when a red haired engineer poked her head up from a nearby craft and shouted over at me. I froze and sighed through my nose.

"Hey! Do you have clearance for that?" She demanded, throwing down a wrench and bringing up a holo screen with a frown. But when she got closer and I turned to face her she stopped in her tracks.

"Look, I'm–"I began.

"Makayla Xavier." She finished in shock. "Yeah–no need, I know who you are."

I relaxed and nodded. "I just need to get out for... A while. I'll bring it back in one piece." I added with a small smirk.

She shook her head and swallowed. "I'm sure you can use cruise control but that's–I wouldn't fair too well if Scorpion knew I'd let you go alone."

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now