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We were far from perfect. But this was better than being sectors apart with no communication. I mostly remained silent while Makayla probed Proximo's personal life and Artella diverted them around in circles.

But she sent me looks I recognised. Silent answers that held more warmth in them than the ice cold blue I had seen in the Crypt not so long ago. I never wanted to see it in her again.

I was seeing a distant future again. Us on another continent far from Merridian's clutches and ever present claws dragging us deeper into the Underworld. One in the far south. Where you were cloaked in warmth and the food was sweeter. Where sky rainforests existed and vertical farming had long ago been mastered. The air must be so pure–

Suddenly those blue eyes landed on my own as she actively ignored what my second said.

Makayla minutely angled her head outside and I was on my feet before she even had to speak.

"We'll see you back at base." I stated, flatly looking down at Artella. He smiled slowly and rose with the dramatic sweep of his hand.

"An honour... Scorpion." He drawled, allowing space for me to exit.

I walked past him and didn't bother to meet Proximo's smirk as I strode for the doors. A few patrons stumbled back from my path and a mug clattered to the floor as I seized the door in a glove and held it. Waiting.

She murmured something to them both and Proximo clasped her forearm before she turned to face me. I kept my face calm but my pulse jumped my entire body like a live wire. Her walk was steady and her eyes were ahead as she passed through the open door. The sweet fragrance of her highly plaited hair slapped me in the face. 

I blinked and let the door close behind us.

The dusty orange streets opened up beyond. She glanced on high above at the many rusted homes stacked on top of each other. I followed her gaze as the shards of midday ran through in multiple streams of golden light.

"I want to see yours." She blurted.

I snapped my eyes back down. She still turned in place taking in every metal plate and window and doorway.

"It's... probably gone or occupied." I murmured, watching her closely.

She finally met my eyes and shrugged, "So take me there."

I frowned.

"Makayla... it's nothing–it's like these." I gestured around us blandly, "–there's nothing to see."

"I disagree." She answered, unbothered. "Lead the way."

I clenched my fingers briefly. I worked so hard to build a new identity. To escape this rusted hell–now she wanted to see every ugly crack and forgotten shell left behind. Makayla walked through Imperial towers and pure luxury. In comparison this made me... pale in comparison. I had met her as a queen with a keep and guard to match–this was not the image I wanted her to hold of my past.


I flinched and realised my hands were tight at my sides. She slid her hands off the railing and approached me slowly. I avoided her eyes and stared at the blades on her arms instead. 

"There's nothing you can show me that will scare me anymore." She murmured, stopping a foot away. I let out a humourless laugh.

"I know that. It's just... not worth seeing." I exhaled, meeting her gaze.

DIVISION 52 - BOOK IIWhere stories live. Discover now