A Risk of Life and Death... (CXXXII)

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July 10, 2023

    Jungkook and I were lounging around the house bored as usual. He was watching TV and I was at the kitchen island on my laptop working, with my eyepatch on since I had been on it for so long that the light had affected my eye. I was writing on the website I used for work and personal use to think of something to do, while I was trying to think, I thought I heard a sound but when I listened I didn't hear anything so I went back to what I was doing. A few seconds later I heard the same noise but when I tried to listen there was nothing, so I yet again went back to trying to think.

    "Y/N!" I heard Jungkook yell, by the sound of his voice the noise I was hearing must've been him talking, "Y/N, did you hear anything I said?!"

    "I was trying to think and my brain must've blocked you out." he grunted in anger and I took that as a never mind. "Jungkook, just because I don't hear you don't mean you have to get pissed off about it." I said as I took my earphone out of my ear and turned myself around to face him, he paused the video he was watching and decided to give me a piece of his mind, whether it was good or not.

    "Y/N, I am about sick and tired of having to yell in order for me to get your attention. Ever since we've gotten engaged it seems like you don't pay me any attention anymore like you used to. All I want is for you to stop what you're doing and focus on me."

    "Jungkook, I'm sick and tired of you getting pissed off because I'm trying to work. All you do is bitch and bitch all day long about the littlest things and I want just want you to shut up."

    "I don't do as much bitching as somebody in this house!" when those words came out of his mouth, I felt a sudden urge to hit him but I held it back and just took a deep breath,

    "If you don't shut up I'll have to shut you up myself..." I whispered under my breath, rubbing my face as I rolled my eyes,

    "Excuse me?! You have quite the nerve to say something like that when all I'm trying to do is talk to you!"

    "Talk to me? You're fucking yelling your head off again because you're pissed that I called you out on your childish behavior." I heard him slam his fist into the couch as he stood up and made his way over to me. "Jungkook if you fucking dare lay a finger on me right now I will rip your fucking head off of your shoulders." I growled as I turned around in my chair to face him with anger in my eyes.

    "Oh, so now you're going to murder me because I tap you, huh?" he said as he poked me, doing so over and over again quite a few times to tease me. My hands subconsciously clenched into fists the more he poked me.

    "JUNGKOOK, I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD!" I screamed as I pushed him away, well, more like tackled him to the ground. I pinned both of his hands above his head with one of mine and used the other one to shut him up. "Jungkook- actually, you know what, forget this. I'm leaving before either of us do something we might regret." I said as I stood back up and grabbed my car keys and put my shoes on.

    "Now you're chickening out, I see."

    "No, I'm leaving before I commit murder." I replied as I opened the door and walked to my car. I opened the driver's door and turned on the ignition, eventually driving away into the night, still pissed off at Jungkook.

Quite a Few Hours Later

*~Jungkook's POV~*

    "Are you sure she didn't text you guys? It's been hours and I haven't heard from her or been able to contact her and I'm worried..." I said as I felt my heart rate speeding up as they shook their heads,

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