Sometimes, It Can Take Two to Tango (CXXII) ⚠️Semi-Smut⚠️

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December 2, 2020

    It was around nine at night and I was up in bed listening to an audio to try and get off, the keyword there is 'try'. I had listened to about three other audios before the current one, just as it was getting toward the end I heard Jungkook calling my name. I turned the audio off quickly and tried to grab the TV remote but it sort of slipped out of my hand and flew into the air,

    "Shit..!" I whispered in a panic as I tried to grab it mid-flight, I was lucky enough to grasp it tight enough that it didn't go flying again and by the time Jungkook entered the room I already had a YouTube video on the television screen.

    "Hey, I noticed you left practice early so I thought I'd come home after I was done working to spend some time with my favorite woman in the world." he smiled, sitting on the bed next to me. He leaned over and gave me a quick kiss before he looked behind him at the TV screen, "Whatcha watching?"

    "Just a random video I found and thought looked interesting." his head nodded simply in reply and watched it for a few seconds before he broke the silence between us. "Jagiya, is there something bothering that you want to tell me? You haven't seemed like yourself the past few weeks and I've seen that you haven't been," I gulped a little and hoped he wasn't thinking what I thought he was. "Is there anything bothering you?"

    "I'm fine, Kookie. You don't have to worry about me." I smiled, kissing him and giving him a hug. He let out a quiet sigh and gave me a little kiss back,

    "I know I don't have to, I just don't want something to be bothering you and you end up getting so distressed about it that you end up cutting again..." I awed at him and pulled him into a longer and tighter hug. "Please remember that if you any issues that you need or want to tell or talk through with me, don't be scared to tell me that something is wrong, okay?" I nodded and I saw his once tense muscles quickly relax at my simple reply. I gave him a light pat on the back as he walked off and into the bathroom to take a shower.

    If only you knew what was bothering me... I thought as I laid back on the bed and placed a palm on my forehead as I let out a deep sigh. A little bit passed since he had gotten into the shower and I was so focused on the show I was watching I didn't even hear the water turn off. I heard footsteps in the bathroom on the tile floor so I knew he was finished with his shower once I had started paying attention. He walked out and I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, he was only wearing a short towel and I could see his cock creating a bulge in it. I could already feel myself getting wetter just by him only being in a towel with wet hair and his skin still sparkling from little water droplets falling from the ends of his hair and slowly making their way down his biceps, chest, abs... Don't get horny or he'll be able to tell, don't get horny, don't get- and I'm fucking wet.. I was doing completely fine until he ran his hand through his damp hair then hooking his thumb on the rim of the towel, slightly pulling it down to reveal his veins down there while he tried to find some clothes.

    "Aegiya~, I can tell you're horny~." he sang as he came out with his clothes and sat them at the foot of the bed, "You like what you see, Yeon-in?" he asked, ruffling his hair to cause more waterdrops to fall onto his already damp and sparkly skin. I heard him chuckle when my eyes looked him up and down, landing on the growing bulge beneath his towel. He climbed onto the bed and had me place my hand on his bulge and when I slid my hand under the cloth and brushed my thumb against his tip he let out a low groan. He pushed me down onto the bed and hovered over me, I only had a few seconds to look at his entire face before he quickly pressed his pink lips onto mine and had me shiver at the feeling of his lips melting against my own. I felt one of his hands disappear and it reappeared between my legs as he groped me gently and slowly started going faster after a couple of minutes passed. But that's when I realized what would happen if we continued and what I would have to do that I couldn't at the time, so I broke the kiss and told him to stop.

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