Period Prank (CXXIV)

82 3 1

February 5, 2021

    It was early in the morning and Jungkook was down in the basement looking for something and I thought it would be the perfect time for me to finally do what I was planning to for a long time. I jumped out of bed, grabbed my recording camera, got the materials needed for my plan, and switched the camera on.

    "Annyeonghaseyo and good morning everybody. Today it is about six-thirty in the morning and Jungkook is down in the basement trying to find something and I have no idea what it is, but I have been planning to do this for a long time, from my own mind and from requests to see how our bunny would react so I am kind of going to do two pranks at the same time. The bad period cramps and period prank; I already have horrific cramps as it is and he already is adorable when I have cramps but I have never had an 'explosive' period as I am going to call it. I have some fake blood and a sheet I can use so it won't get all over the current ones and I have an old blanket that we have been meaning to throw away so I can just use that when I add the blood so it won't matter if it gets stained or not. So, I am going to set up the camera and get prepared, I'm going to say that I have really bad cramps, and then at some point, I'm going to use the blood. Wish me luck!" I paused the recording and started setting everything up. I hid the camera and got into bed and curled up, waiting for him to come back into the bedroom. After waiting for a while, and trying not to actually fall asleep, I heard his footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall to our room, so I had to start acting right then. I curled into a ball and as soon as he grabbed the doorknob and was about to open the door I started whining and whimpering in what was supposed to be pain.

    "Aegiya, what's the matter?" he asked, as soon as he opened the door he could hear something was paining me. He quickly walked across the room and sat on the bed next to me and when he pulled the blanket down he saw I was holding my stomach. "Aww, is it time for your period?" I shrugged a little and he kissed the side of my head, rubbing my arm lightly. "Would you like it if we took a little nap while we cuddle?" his face grew brighter when a little smile appeared on my face. He got on his side of the bed and got under the blanket with me and we, well, he, fell asleep. After a little while passed, I all of a sudden felt him stir in his sleep so I had to quickly close my eyes and pretend I was asleep too. I barely opened one of my eyes and saw him get out of bed and make his way into the bathroom so then was my chance.

    "Okay, Kookie is in the bathroom right now and I am going to try and get a bit of blood on my pants and the sheets..." God, I better do this; and fast. I thought as I grabbed the bottle of fake blood from under the bed and started putting it on the sheets and on the crotch of my leggings that I never wore and was going to throw away anyway so it wouldn't matter if they got stained. Once I was ready, I put the blood back and covered myself up again, and waited for him to come back. I heard the bathroom doorknob jiggle and it opened, he walked his way back to his side of the bed and when he moved the blanket I heard him gasp.

    "Aegiya...wake up.." he whispered as he shook me to wake me up. I stirred a little and rolled over, but he only allowed me to turn so much before he stopped me. "Don't move, you started your period and I don't want it to ruin your leg-" I pretended to be shocked and throw the blanket off and act like I was suddenly over emotional.

    "I-I'm sorry, Kookie... I didn't m-m-mean for it to get all-all on the she-ets.." I didn't know it until just then but I could cause myself to cry real tears on the spot, I could tell he was shocked as much as I was pretending to be but he kept calm.

    "Shh..shh, it's okay, Jagiya... You didn't know it was going to happen this soon, you don't have anything to cry about. It wasn't your fault." he said as he pulled me into a hug to try and calm me down, he sat me on his lap but I told him if he sat me on his lap he'd get blood on him, "I don't care about some blood, all I want is for you to feel better; then I'll worry about the blood on my lap." he said as he gave me a little peck on the lips and sat me back on the bed and left the room without saying anything which confused the hell out of me.

    "What the hell...? He just left and didn't say anything... I am so fucking confused right now." I said as I just sat there on the bed speechless, I was in complete shock that he just left without even saying why or I'll be right back or anything. I sat there on the bed on bloody sheets and in bloody leggings for about ten minutes before I heard the doorknob jiggle again and he reappeared with snacks, new pants for me to wear, a new pair of sheets, some pads, and tampons for the bathroom, a new pair of underwear with a pad all ready for me to slip into, and some medicine with some water to help my cramps.

    "I tried to be as fast as I could but all the snacks kept falling on the floor, then when I would pick them back up something else would fall out of my arms and it was a total mess. I'm sorry I didn't say anything when I left, I wanted to surprise you but after I left and was grabbing the stuff I felt bad for leaving without saying anything..." he said as he picked me up off of the bed and took the sheets and blanket off of the bed to replace it with the new one, but I used the one that was already on the bed before I started the prank. He looked at me confused but helped me with the sheet anyway. "Okay," he said as he picked me up and sat me on the bed, "feet up." I did so and he pulled my leggings and thong off to switch them with the new panties with a pad prepared and clean sweatpants. Once he had everything fixed he sat on the bed and pulled me on his lap, hugged me, and pulled me into a deep and loving kiss; rubbing on my lower stomach to help the fake cramps I was acting like I was still having. "Do your cramps still hurt? If so I can give you the medicine I brought up along with everything else." he said as he cupped one of my cheeks and kissed my nose.

    "Baby~ you're so adorable, now I feel bad for ruining the sheets and that blanket..." I sighed trying to make myself cry again, which somehow worked a second time.

    "Y/N, Yeon-in, you don't have to feel bad about anything. You can't help if your period just randomly starts and it's heavy or barely noticeable. Besides, that blanket was needed to go into the trash and we can just wash the sheets." I let a little chuckle escape from my lips and I knew I had to tell him I wasn't on my period.

    "I really don't want to tell you because I love how cute you're acting!" I squeaked causing him to smile a little before he registered what I said at the beginning of the sentence. He tilted his head and I decided that meant it was time to tell him the truth. "The truth is that I'm not actually on my period. It was all just a prank." he looked at me totally unable to understand what I just said. I laughed as I jumped off of his lap and grabbed the hidden camera and his face turned red as he lifted the neck of his shirt over his head, "I made us a YouTube channel and I figured the first video was to give ARMY a taste of what you would do if I had a quote; 'explosive period' and you were so adorable!" his head reappeared and it wasn't as red as it was before but there was still a bit of pink on his cheeks.

    "I just wanted to help you feel better because you were having horrible cramps and I can't stand it when my Aegiya is in any kind of pain, okay?? Though, I do have a question; were those fake tears?" I shook my head and his eyes widened for a second before he started talking again, "Those were real tears?! That was amazing acting, I had no idea you were pranking me at all. But, you do know that does mean I will have to get you back, right?" I shrugged because I already saw that sentence coming, I would have to make sure I was prepared for anything. He helped me outro the video and when I turned the camera off and sat it on the dresser on the other side of the room he tackled me onto the bed and started tickling me. "This is what you get for making me worry when I didn't need to!" a giant grin appeared on his face as he watched me squirm and laugh underneath him, he had tickled me for a couple of seconds before he stopped and helped me back up again so I could catch my breath.

    "Do you still wub me even though I pwanked you...?" I said in a little voice, he pulled me onto his lap and gave me a very long and steamy kiss that almost made me melt as soon as his lips made contact with mine. He pulled away and let me breathe before going back in for another one that lasted a couple of minutes before he stopped and let me talk, "I take that as a yes..." I sighed with a quiet laugh, his arms wrapped around my waist as he laid me down on the bed and covered us up with our actual blanket, snuggled up behind me, and placed a gentle kiss on the back of my neck.

    "Now, can we please take an actual nap? Please~?"

(1,856 Words)

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