In Three Simple Words (LXX)

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    I put my phone away as we continued to work for a few more hours before closing time, luckily, today was one of the days that we close early. And by early, I mean four o'clock. Then finally, the day was over. Surprisingly, not too many people came into the cafe. Seth and I were in the back trying to grab some more napkins for the dispensers on the tables when I heard the bell on the door go off.

    "I thought you locked the door, Seth?" I said, he shrugged,

    "I thought I did. Can you go tell them that we're closed?" he asked, I nodded as I shut one of the boxes. I adjusted my apron and opened the door to see a familiar face. 

    "PD-Nim? What are you doing here?" I asked,

    "Well, I assume that you saw the view count on your song?" he asked, I nodded, "And I hope that you remember the deal we made?" he said,

   "Yeah, I remember, I'm the one who made it." I told him, he agreed.

    "Yes, yes, and you know that we have to have that little interview and/or conference?" he questioned me,

    "Now? I thought we were going to have it this past noon?" I asked, he smiled a little,

   "Yes, now. I was running a little late due to some issues at work." he said. I sighed as I opened the door to the back to tell Seth I was leaving, he gave me an 'okay' and I walked with PD-nim to his car he started up his engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

    "PD-nim, how did you know where I worked?" I asked, I saw him smirk a little,

    "Well, let's just say seven little birds told me." he said while still smirking, making me laugh.

   "I should've known. But, where are we going to have this interview?" I asked,

   "I figured since you've had a long day at work you'd like to talk over a cup of coffee." he said as he turned into a different cafe parking lot a couple of blocks from where I work, "This is my favorite cafe, I go here all the time to drink and discuss business with the boys." he said, I nodded a little. He stopped his engine and we both got out, me putting my work clothes in his passenger seat then I shut my door. We walked inside and it was a really nice cafe, and I mean really nice. "You go pick a table, I'll take our orders. What would you like? No, no, let me guess...A caramel macchiato?" he asked,

    "Yeah, how'd you-"

    "I can tell. Now, go sit down and rest and I'll be back in a minute." he said. I did as he said and walked over to a two-seated table and popped-a-squat in one of the chairs. I looked through my social media as I waited for him, then after a few minutes, I randomly looked up from my phone and saw him there.

   "Holy shit, you scared me." I said as I jumped a little when I saw him sitting there. He just laughed.

    "Hehe, I do that to the boys sometimes, too. Now, down to business, that song you wrote was fantastic and I know you can make more like it. I want their next album to be like a school love theme, if you know what I mean, some songs slow but with a good beat, and some fast with a good beat also. You understand?" he asked, I nodded, "And, by the way, just to give you a heads up, you're gonna have more roles than you think." he said, I looked at him confused.

   "What do you mean?" I asked,

   "Well, let me explain it this way; we have been shorthanded for a while now because some of our crew either had to leave, quit, got fired, they just got a different job or they couldn't handle this work anymore. So, not only will you be a song producer and songwriter but a choreography teacher, dancer, main vocals, in the music videos. To put it in three words; eighth BTS member. You'll be in the group totally, I'll probably assign you more positions later on but for now, those are your roles." he said, all I could do is sit there in shock. "You still with me, Y/N?" he asked, I shook my head to come back to reality and tried to find words to reply with,

    "I-I-I don't know what to say, PD-nim, all those roles and just starting? Doesn't that seem a little too much for a person who's never been in the music business before?" I asked, he nodded slightly,

   "Yes, it does, it took me a while to figure everything out but you seem like one of the rare ones." he said.

    "The rare ones? What does that mean?" I asked in utter confusion,

   "What I mean by 'rare ones' is that you are one of the rarer kinds of people that can pick up on stuff easily and handle multiple jobs, or in your case, roles with ease. It just comes naturally to you, you may not know it, but I can see it in you. And I believe in you and that you will make all of us proud of you, including yourself." he said, I, again sat there paralyzed. "If you don't want the job, I'll understand." he said, I shook my head,

   "No, no, I do want the job. I mean, I'll get to work with the people I look up to, but being the eighth member so sudden kinda scared me, to be honest." I said, he looked at me dead in the eyes and spoke.

   "Y/N, I know you're a little worried about this job, but trust me, you'll be great. The guys love you, you guys get along amazingly, what more could you ask for?" he said, I nodded a little. "So? Will you take it?" he asked, I just sat there as millions of thoughts raced through my mind all at one time,

    "I...I'll-I'll take the job." I said. He smiled ear-to-ear when those words came out of my mouth.

   "And, don't worry, I plan on having the album being released sometime in February of this coming year. So you'll have time to talk with the guys normally before they know about your job. I'm proud of you, Y/N, and you'll make everyone proud, I know it." he said, I just laughed a little then took a drink of my macchiato.

(1,103 Words)

I'm Fine... || BTS x (Female) Depressed/Suicidal Reader (TBC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang