The More I Look At You the More I Realize How Pretty You Are (XCIV)

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    He pulled the van into the parking lot and I got out, holding my ears as he shut the door. I knocked on the window for him to roll it down.

    "What time is it?" I asked, turned on his phone, and checked,

    "About ten." he replied. I looked around and I saw Jack jogging his way in the direction of the cafe, "I gotta get home now, got some work to do. If you need anything, call me or one of the guys and well help you, okay?" he questioned, I nodded and waved as he rolled the window back up and pulled out of the parking lot and drove off. Just as he turned the corner, Jack came jogging up to me, stopping to pant to catch his breath.

    "Wow, I didn't expect you to wait outside for me." he said as his breath was heavy.

    "I just got here, my friend just drove off in the black van as you came up here to me." I stated, "You wanna get something to drink?" I asked, he nodded and he then followed me into the cafe for me to put on my apron even though I was still wearing my hoodie. "You want water? Coffee?" I questioned,

    "Surprise me." he said briefly, I took note that he looked completely awake he was just worn out from his jog. So, I gave him water. "Thanks." he said as he took a big gulp out of it. "So, did you make it home last night?" he asked, I nodded,

    "Barely though. It took all I could just to walk in a semi-straight line and not weave to one side and topple over." I said as he let out a laugh.

    "Yeah, you were pretty drunk last night." he said, I scoffed at his words.

    "Pretty drunk? I felt like I was going to die when I woke up this morning." I said.

    "Well, that's what you get when you drink eight bottles of b-" I cut him off as I shushed and waved my hands at him as I heard Seth come from the back.

    "There you are, Y/N, I thought you were going to be late. What happened to you this morning?" Seth asked and gave me a hug,

    "Oh, I just felt a little under the weather this morning." I said.

    "Really? What was the matter?" he asked,

    "I just had a bad headache and felt nauseated, so I had to give the toilet some attention every few seconds." I replied.

    "Y/N, you could've just texted or called me and I'd let our boss know that you were sick." he said.

    "No, no. I didn't want to miss work, you know me." I stated, making him sigh out a slight chuckle.

    "Yeah, yeah. "I never want to miss work because I want to be able to help you out so you won't get overwhelmed." How silly of me to forget." he said, Jack laughed,

    "Damn, you must really be a hard worker, Miss B." Jack said.

    "Eh, I try." I replied.

    "Who dis?" Seth asked,

    "Oh, um, this is a friend of mine. The guys and I were at the store last night and he was our cashier. He and I got to talking and he works just a little bit away from here and he jogs when the store's empty, he asked me if he could stop by today and I had to keep my promise and fought through my nausea and here I am." I said.

    "Really? You did that for me?" he whispered, I nodded a little.

    "Well, I gotta go do our monthly Inventory Count.." Seth sighed,

    "I fucking hate those... I hope we're almost out of stuff so you won't have to go through too much torture." I said as I patted him on the back making him smile. He opened the door to the back and grabbed our clipboard, taking a deep breath in and out as he walked into the storage room and the door shut behind him.

    "Did you mean that?" Jack asked,

    "Yeah, I hate inventory checks." I said, he shook his head,

    "No, not that, I mean about you coming to work even though you had a massive hangover just to keep your promise you made for me. Did you mean that?" he corrected himself,

    "Well, yeah. When I make a promise I tend to do anything in my power to keep them and/or fulfill them even if I feel like I'm dying." I laughed, but I was the only one of both of us that did.

    "But, I don't understand, we just met last night and you're already keeping promises? I don't keep promises I make to people I just met a couple of hours ago, I don't even make promises to people I just met a couple of hours ago period." he said.

    "You seemed like a friendly guy and I wanted to be friendly back, plus I was a bit tipsy so ya know." I added, "But, yes, I did want to keep that promise even though I felt like I was going to die." I laughed. He smirked and slid his fingers through his damp hair as he took a drink of his water,

    "Well, you seem like a nice gal, maybe we can get along quicker than my other friends." he said. "You think you might stop by again tonight?" he asked,

    "Again? Not tonight buddy, a month." I said making him laugh, "Okay, maybe not month, maybe two nights from now, more or less. How's that sound?" I asked, he nodded and drank his water again,

    "Sounds good, and here is my number in case you ever need me to drop by with a bottle of beer. Text me when you get the chance so I know you got it in your contacts." he said as he wrote down his phone number on a napkin and stuck it in my apron pocket. "I'm here for ya, whether it be soberly or intoxicatedly, I'm here." he laughed as I copied, "So, I have to ask you something." he said,

    "What is it?" I asked,

    "Well, when you came into the bar last night I could tell you were of age, but the more I look at your face I think you're younger." he stated.

    "Oh, heh, I get that a lot. I look young for my age. When I was younger people thought I was older than I actually was but now that I'm older people think I'm younger." I laughed he just smiled.

    "And the more I look at you the more I realize how pretty you are. But it seems like every second that goes by you get even prettier. Tell me, how do you do it?" he asked with a laugh, I shrugged. "You know, if you could make it I'd love to see you at the bar again tonight. And you never know, I might be so generous enough to let you have a couple of free drinks." he added.

    "Tempting, but I don't think I'll be able to make it. If I can, I'll be there." I replied.

    "Jeon Jeongguk in da house!" Jungkook exclaimed as he busted through the front doors making me jump.

    "Don't say a word about the bar while he's in here, he's one of my seven guy friends. He's the one who dropped me off, I guess he decided to come back." I mouthed to Jack getting a nod.

(1,259 Words)

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