But I Asked For a Small... (XIX)

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    They all backed away at the sound of my voice clearing me a path to the door, "It was nice to meet you guys." I said as I stopped at the doorway. They all looked at me as I looked at them. "Goodbye, Yoongi, Hobi, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon...and Jungkook." I sighed as I felt tears in my eyes after I said their names, I quickly held them back as I looked through the doorway and walked out closing the door behind me. As the door shut, I started to cry. I had just left my idols, the people who I looked up to. I started to run away from their dorm as I felt the tears arrive in my eyes.

A Week Later

    I had been wandering the streets for a while now. I had nowhere to go. I was hungry, cold, upset, depressed, and broke. I had to beg for money just to buy a little bit of food for myself so I wouldn't starve to death, which at that point really seemed to be the best idea. 

    "Now how much do I have?" I asked myself as I pulled the little bit of money I had in my pocket. Hmm...only four dollars and ninety-eight cents...I think this is enough for at least a cup of something to drink and maybe a small plate of some food. I thought as I counted my money. I looked around to see if there was a small cafe or something around that I could grab something to eat at, and I spotted a Starbucks. My stomach started growling at the sight of it. I put my money in my pocket and ran inside. As soon as I got inside I felt the heater on since it was freezing outside. I spotted a man at the counter so I walked up and ordered. "Um, hello? I'd like to order something." I said trying to get his attention, he lifted his head up from what he was doing and turned around to face me.

    "Well, hello there, beautiful. What may I do for you today?" he asked as he walked up to the counter and leaned on it,

    "Um...I-I would like a small Caffe Latte and an Old-Fashioned Glazed Doughnut." I said as I blushed a little, no one had called me beautiful in a long time, even if they meant it or not.

    "Sure thing." he smiled, making me smile back. "Say, what might a pretty lady like be called, Miss?" he asked as he was getting my order,

    "It's Y/N." I replied.

    "That's a very beautiful name, but I would expect that from such a lady." he winked while he looked back at me, causing me to blush more. "I'm Seth." he responded.

    "Wow, I've always liked the name Seth." I said.

    "Here I am." Seth smiled as he prepared my order. "Welp, here you go, Miss Y/N." he smirked at me as I blushed a little again.

    "I asked for a small Caffe Latte, not a medium." I said.

    "It's alright. Just take it." he replied.

(517 Words)

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