Did You Really Make All of This Yourself? (LIII)

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    I googled recipes and started my long, long journey for the morning. I cooked, and cooked, and googled, and googled for three hours straight. I had set my phone alarm for seven so I knew when the guys would wake up. And just as my alarm rang, I had started the timer for heating up the pizza. I heard moving around upstairs so I quickly put all the plates and stuff into place. I ran to the stairs and met them there.

   "Morning guys! Hope you had a good sleep! Can you guys stay here for a second? I have a surprise for you all." I said stopping them from moving. They all looked at each other and nodded their heads. I smiled a little and went back to the stove. Just before the timer dinged, I stopped it and pulled me and Jungkook's pizza out of the oven. I sat it down in the middle of the table and went back to them at the stairs. "Okay, guys. Close your eyes, oh, and also, hold your noses." I told them,

    "Our noses? Why?" they all asked, I shook my head,

    "No questions, just do it." I said. They did as told and closed their eyes and held their noses. I got around behind them and started edging them towards the kitchen and/or dining room. I stopped them when we got to the doorway, "Now, open your eyes and let go of your noses!" I said. First, they let go of their noses, and I could already see their mouths watering, I smiled a little. Then they opened their eyes and saw all the food.

    "Wow..." they all said, but you could hear Jungkook best of all,

    "PIZZA!!!!" he screamed. I laughed, but the others just held their ears.

    "Kook! Not so damn loud, please? Some of us are still waking up!" Namjoon said as he held his ears from Jungkook's scream.

    "Sorry, I'm starving." Jungkook said, I laughed.

    "I bet you are." we all said as we crossed our arms.

    "Well, come on and eat guys! I didn't make all this food for it to be wasted." I said.

    "You made all of this?" Jin asked, I nodded.

    "Yup. Started early this morning." I said. "Okay, Jin, you go sit with your chicken wings. Namjoon, you go and sit with your kal-guksu. Yoongi, you sit with your galbi. Hobi, you set with your-"

    "KIMCHI!!!" Hobi cut me off with a scream as he ran to his seat, we all just shook our heads and let out a laugh,

    "Jimin, you set next to Hobi with your kimchi stew. Taehyung, you set next to Jimin with your japchae." I said as I sat them down in their seats. "And the, Jungkook, you set next to Jin and me so you and I can have pizza." I said as I sat Jungkook in his seat.

    "Pizza!" he said as I saw his mouth water again. I just chuckled under my breath a little as I sat down next to him and Namjoon. 

    "What half do you want, Jungkook? Pepperoni, or cheese?" I asked,

    "What are you going to eat? I don't want to eat all of your half." he said.

    "I'm having the cheese unless you want it." I said, he shook his head,

    "No, no, you can have the cheese." he told me,

    "Thank, God. I don't even like pepperoni." I said.

    "Oh, come on? How could you not like pepperoni? It's like...the best." he said as we started to grab our food and he was grabbing a few slices.

    "I just don't. I don't know what is it, it just never been my favorite." I said as I grabbed a few slices of the cheese.

    "Y/N, did you really make this all yourself?" Jin asked,

    "Yup, and with the help of google." I said.

    "How did you know I wanted kimchi for breakfast?" Hobi asked,

    "I dunno, lucky guess?" I fibbed. I didn't want them to know that I snuck into their rooms and found out, so I tried to hide it for as long as possible. We all started eating and they looked like they were in ecstasy.

    "Wow, this is amazing, Y/N!" they said. I had worked for hours, three to be exact. And I was worn out, but just seeing their faces made me happy. I smiled as I watched them enjoy MY food, I never knew people could like my cooking. That was actually the first time I had cooked anything, more or less the first time cooking for eight people.

    "Thanks, guys. I've been cooking it for about three hours, if it didn't taste good I'd probably be extremely pissed right now." I said making them all laugh.

    "Well, you don't have to worry about that. This is amazing." Hobi said.

    "Thank you, Hobi. I see that you're enjoying your kimchi?" I said, he nodded quickly with a smile on his face. "How's the pizza, Jungkook?" I asked,

    "The best I've ever had." he said with a mouth full of pizza.

    "You're just sucking up." I said. He shook his head as he swallowed,

    "No, I'm not. It's that amazing. Where were you when we wanted pizza before??" he said making me smile. "Here, try yours." he said as he held up one of the cheese slices that was on my plate.

    "Alright, alright." I said as I took a bite. I tasted it for a second before I ended up agreeing with them. "Yeah, not bad." I said to myself. They all gave me a pat on the back for my hard work.

(942 Words)

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