Where Is He? Is He Okay?! (LXXXVII) ⚠️Kissing and Necking (Almost Smut)⚠️

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    I ran inside the store a few feet away from where I was setting and immediately into the restroom as fast as I could. I pulled my sleeve back up and washed the blood off of my arm to hopefully either stop the bleeding completely or stop it temporarily. The water stung my cuts, which were already pains in the ass to get clean anyway without the pain combined. After about a minute I washed all of the blood off and it seemed to have slowed down the bleeding, and luckily I was fast enough to get them clean before they stained my sleeve. I patted my slits dry and pulled my sleeve down again as I walked out of the restroom and headed out the door as if nothing was wrong, and nodded my head to the cashier as a little 'hello'. When I opened the door I heard the sirens again, though still no sign of Jungkook, Namjoon, Seth, or Nick. But, not like I cared about Nick, I just wanted him to be out of the picture.

    "Either something bad happened, or Nick's putting up one of his fights like he used to." I said to myself as I walked over and sat back on my bench. "Just, please let them be okay, Lord, please...I'm begging you..." I whispered to myself as I started to see the image of Jungkook dead again, but this time it was him, Namjoon, and Seth. All three of them with their brains blown out of their heads. "Please let them be okay so this Godforsaken image will get out of my fucking Goddamn head!" I yelled as I began to cry yet again. I held my head in my hands as my eyes began to fill with tears. Then, after a little bit more crying I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Go away, can't you see I'm bawling here?!" I growled as I tried to sound tough, but I was still a crying mess nonetheless.

    "Ma'am, I'm the officer you called a bit ago, remember?" the person asked, my head shot up, and it was the same officer,

    "Where is he, is he okay?!" I said impatiently as I stood up and grabbed the officer by the shirt,

    "Miss...I don't know if you'll like the news.." he murmured, but I was able to understand every word.

    "Fuck you, God...I thought you'd be on my side for once in my life!" I yelled as I looked up at the sky. "Was it bad? Did he use the g-gun?" I asked as I choked on the word 'gun',

    "I can't give you the exact details yet, Ma'am. But, yes, it was pretty bad." he said, that wasn't what I wanted to hear, "I'm sorry, when we came in from the back he saw us and pulled the trigger..." those words felt like a million little knives stabbing me right in the stomach, but they also made me want to puke.

    "God..." I whispered before I started to cry again, the officer pulled me into a hug and comforted me. I couldn't believe it, I had only known them in person for about two months and both of my favorites were gone. Including my new best friend. 

    "It's alright, we got your ex and he's being put into the cop car as we speak. He'll pay for what he's done to you." the officer said.

    "Why couldn't God be on my side and let them be okay...?" I sobbed against the officer's shirt,

    "Well, maybe he was on your side." a different voice said. I sniffed as I knew that voice, but my crying state couldn't register who's it was. I was scared to turn around in case it was Nick in handcuffs. "Could you at least look at me, please~?" they asked, "Baby, baby geudaeneun caramel macchiato yeojeonhi nae ipgaen geudae hyanggi dalkomhae baby, baby, tonight~?" they sang, my eyes shot wide as I'd know that angelic voice anywhere. I quickly let go of the cop and turned around to see what I wanted to see. 

    "Tokki!!" I screamed as I ran into Jungkook's hug and he picked me up and spun. "Oh, thank God, you're okay.." I cried against the crook of his neck.

    "Yeah, I'm okay, Y/N. That bastard didn't hurt me, I wouldn't let it happen without me throwing a punch." he laughed. I hugged him tighter as I was so relieved and kept crying in the crook of his neck. "Whoa, I didn't think she'd be this emotional..." he said. I tried to speak, but it came out as gibberish so I just gave up, "Yes, Y/N, it's really me. Nick didn't have his fucking gun loaded in the first place, he was just doing that to scare you cause he knew if he put someone that was close to your heart in danger he'd get you to do anything, including getting you to go with him." Jungkook said, when he said that the gun wasn't even loaded I knew what else he was going to say.

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