I Don't Let Fantasies Play Out In My Head... (LXXXI)

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    I felt her exhaling shaky breaths every time she breathed out due to her crying and being frightened. Who could not feel bad for her? I knew I did. I knew all of the others did, even if they didn't say it. Just the thought of a little girl, being kidnapped for thirteen years made my heart ache... And just watching the look in her eyes change from leave to loving made my eyes water just as her's did, I know it made Jin-hyung's eyes water. Probably more than they should have, but I understand why they did. Shockingly enough, I think I saw Jungkook's eyes water a little, and he always tries to hide his emotions. It's not every day that you see a teary-eyed Kookie. I was just happy I could be here for her if she needed someone.

    "I don't know why I had that dream...I thought that if they died they would stop, but I guess I was wrong..." she sniffled a little.

    "Well, Y/N, what you went through in all those years was traumatizing. It'll probably be a long, long time before they go away if they ever do." I explained to her, depending on how her mind reacted to the trauma, it would determine whether or not her nightmares and terrors would go away. But, if it was too traumatizing for her brain, they might just stay.

    "I want them to stop now..." she said in a low voice as she turned her head and laid the side of it on my chest.

    "I know you do, Y/N, we all want them to stop. But, we'll just have to let your brain do what it wants." I told her. "Hold on, let me go put my shirt on." I said as I took her off my lap and walked over to my chair and went to put my shirt on, but I saw a hand come from behind me and take it. I turned around and saw Y/N with my shirt in her hands.

    "Could you...not wear your shirt tonight? I know it sounds odd of me to say, but, I feel more comfortable." she told me. And she was right, it was a little odd of her to ask that. But, she did see me in my boxers the first night she slept here.

    "Sure, Y/N. If don't want me to, that's okay." I told her as I took my shirt from her and placed it back on the chair. "You wanna change?" I asked,

    "I guess I could...but, I kinda don't have any nightclothes...I normally just wear the same hoodie to bed." she said, that's when I remember that we hadn't taken her shopping. We'd have to do that maybe on the weekend.

    "If you want to, you could wear one of my shirts. Maybe a sweater or something?" I said, she nodded. I gently grabbed her hand and guided her into my closet and took her to all my sweaters. She pondered all of them until she pointed to a black heavy sweater, not surprising.

    "This one." she said as she gently pulled on it. She wasn't tall enough to pull it off the rack so I did it for her. I handed it to her and was about to walk out of the closet for her to change, but she grabbed my wrist and stopped me. "Please, don't go...Just, turn around or something. I'll be scared if you leave..." she said with a pouty lip. I nodded and turned around for her to change, I heard the ruffling of clothing for a few seconds before she told me I could turn around again. And when I saw her in it, it was a little too funny, I think she thought so too. Because what she did was just funny, and adorable. "Look, I'm a turtle." she stated, "You see me, now you don't." she said as she tucked her head into the neck hole.

    "Where'd your head go?" I asked, playing along,

    "Here it is!" she said as her head popped back out. We both laughed at how dumb and stupid it was, but I laughed more about how cute and adorable it was. Then she hugged me again, "Thanks, Namjoon Oppa..." she whispered.

    "You're welcome, Y/N." I told her in a soft voice. "You wanna get back in bed?" I asked, she nodded slightly and let go of me. We walked out of my closet, me turning the light off and closing the door back, while she headed towards the bed and got under the covers as I started my way over also. I turned my side lamp off and it got dark as we both laid on our right sides ready to fall asleep. I closed my eyes since they were feeling heavy and started to fall asleep, but then I felt something up against me. I slowly opened one of my eyes and saw that Y/N had scooted up against me, becoming the little spoon. I smirked a little and tapped on her shoulder causing her to look behind her, I rolled her over onto her other side and looked at her. And I saw that after she looked at me her face turned red. "Do you know that you're blushing?" I asked her, she looked down and had a big smile on her face,

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