Is This F/N L/N? (LVII)

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    Once, again, all that could be heard in the room after the song finished was deep, exaggerated heavy breathing.

    "Amazing job, Y/N-ah." PD-nim complimented.

"야! 어떤 회사 소개? 우리가 잘하지 않았나요?" "Hey! What about us? Didn't we do a good job?" Jimin asked,

    "Jimin, you guys always do a good job. I don't have to compliment you on it all the time." PD-nim said. I snickered a little as I realized that Jimin was possibly a little jealous that PD-nim praised me for my dancing, and not them. "Listen, Y/N, have you ever wanted to be in like a band or group before?" he asked, I shook my head,

    "I mean, I've wanted to, but it all looks like really hard work. You know, with the dancing, singing, practicing, recording, producing, publishing, promotions, live shows. It all looks difficult to me. I just don't think I'd be cut out for the job." I explained, he nodded.

    "Well, yes, it can be a bit difficult at first. But once you've been in the business for a while you get used to it." he said, "I think you'd be perfect for a job like that. I mean, you surely got the talent." he told me, making a little smile appear on my face. I guess I could've been okay in the music industry, but, it still looked difficult. "Oh, guys, I need to speak with you all in my office." he called for them. They all looked at one another and shrugged. They all followed PD-nim into his office and he shut the door behind him. I tried to put my ear up to the door to try and listen, but it was all in Korean and muffled.

    Damn it. I hope they're not in trouble... I thought. I walked over back to my seat and sat down and waited for them to come back out. About what felt like thirty million hours later, which was actually twenty minutes, they finally emerged from PD-nim's office. They were all murmuring to each other in Korean. I quickly stood up as they walked over to me, "Is everything okay, guys? I was a little nervous when PD-nim called you into his office." I said.

    "Oh, no. Everything's fine. We just had to discuss some work things." Jin said as he was what looked like typing on his phone, like the others. "C'mon, we gotta head back to the dorm to work, you wanna head back, or?" he asked,

    "No, I'll come with you, I gotta do some stuff as well." I said, and I actually did have some stuff I had to do. We all walked out, waving goodbye to PD-nim, and hopped into the van. Everybody was on their phone, the whole van was silent until my phone rang. "Hello?" I said as I picked up,

    "Is this...F/N L/N?" the man on the line asked,

   "Yes, that's me." I replied, "Who's this?" I asked,

    "I'm Dr. Eliot Brent, and I'm calling because I have some news to tell you." Dr. Brent said.

    "What is it? Is it bad?" I asked,

    "Well, it's pretty bad, but you might think different." he said,

    "Is there any good news?" I asked, he hummed into the phone, "What's the bad news?" I asked,

    "Well, the bad news is...we have your parents in the hospital right now." he said, my eyes shot open,

   "My-My parents?! Why are they there?" I asked in shock as I adjusted myself in my seat into a sitting up position. When I said 'my parents', that got everyone off their phone,

    "Y/N, what's going on back there?" Namjoon asked as he kept driving,

   "Some guy named...what's your name again?" I asked quietly into the phone,

   "Dr. Eliot Brent." he replied.

    "Some guy named Dr. Brent called me to tell me parents are in the hospital right now." I said, everyone gasped.

    "Your parents?!" they all said, they sounded to be in as much shock as I was,

    "Shhh! Let me talk to him and I'll catch you up on it." I said to them, "What hospital are they in?" I asked,

    "Where are you at right now?" he asked,

    "Where are we, Namjoon?" I asked Namjoon,

    "Route one-eighty." he replied, I repeated it into the phone to Dr. Brent.

    "They're at the hospital a couple of minutes from there, just keep going straight until you see a hospital on the right, right beside a gas station and little store." Dr. Brent said.

    "Okay, we'll be right over, just watch out for a girl in a black hoodie and black hat with rings on the bill with seven guys, that'll be me." I told him.

    "Alright, when you come, I'll try to explain everything in better detail. Goodbye." he said,

    "Goodbye." I said as we both hung up. "Namjoon, keep going straight until you see a hospital on the right next to a gas station and a little store." I told him. I saw him nod as he kept going. After a few minutes, we came across the hospital that the doctor told me about. Namjoon turned to the right and went into the parking lot. He parked the car and we all jumped out, me being the one to come out first. I started bolting down the lot and towards the door.

    "Y/N, wait up!" Jimin said as he, Yoongi, and Taehyung were falling behind.

    "Just meet us inside, hurry!" I said as Jungkook, Hobi, Jin, Namjoon, and I all ran through the doors. Not long after we ran in, so did the other three that were behind. "Dr. Brent?" I called, I saw a doctor turn around with honey brown hair and blue eyes, it must've been him since he turned around to me calling his name.

    "That's me, are you Y/N?" he asked, I nodded quickly, 

    "What's wrong with my parents?" I asked him,

    "They were it a major car accident, a car caught on fire, three people from two damaged cars died, and your parents are the only remaining survivors so far. But they have been extremely injured, we're shocked that they lived through it." he explained, we all nodded.

    "I have one, well, two questions depending on the answer to the first one." I told him, he tilted his head, "Are they well enough to talk?" I asked he nodded his head, "Then, my second question is...can I see them?"' I asked, I heard the guys gasp at my question.

    "Y/N? Don't you remember what they did to you? Why would you want to see them?!" Jungkook said, I turned around and stared him right in the eyes.

(1,112 Words)

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