A Memory to Forget (XLVIII)

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    "Y/N, we're gonna head back to the dorm, you wanna come?" Taehyung asked,

    "Uhh, sure. Let me go tell Seth I'll see him later." I said, they nodded but Jungkook had a weird look on his face. I ignored it and walked over to Seth. "Seth, I gotta go. The guys and I are heading back to the dorm. I just wanted to say I'll talk to ya later and see you on Wednesday." I said as I gave Seth a hug goodbye. He gave me a quick hug back and went off to take a customer's order. I waved him bye, as he did me while me and the guys walked out. We all hopped into the van, all getting into our usual seats. I pulled out my phone and put on a song I had been listening to for a while. I opened up a game and started playing it while the song played in my ear. I was playing a racing game and I was so close to winning when at the last second I was knocked all the back down to last place. "Son of a fucking bitch!" I yelled in frustration.

    "What happened, Y/N?" Jimin asked as he saw I was upset,

    "I was in fucking first place, almost at the finish line. But then, out of nowhere came players with their powers and knocked me down to last fucking place at the last Goddamn second. Just my luck...just my fucking damn luck!" I yelled again as I stomped my foot.

    "Calm down, Y/N. It's just a game, nothing to get upset about." Jin said in the front seat.

    "Calm down? Calm down? You're telling me to calm down?! Listen here, you little-"

    "Hey, hey, Y/N don't go killing people. Just breathe and calm down. I understand how you feel. I hate it when I lose on games I play too, but I just let it slide. I don't go killing people over it." Jungkook said as he pulled me back into my seat to keep me from killing Jin. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

    "You're right...Sorry, Jin. It's just when I play those games I kinda get really angry and irritable so even the littlest things set my light off..." I apologized.

    "It's alright, I understand, Y/N." Jin said. "Just don't try and kill me again, okay?"

    "Okay, I won't try and kill you again." I chuckled a little. I went back to my phone and quickly quit the game as I was too irritated to play it again. I was flipping through my phone when my eyes were starting to get heavy. I let out a small yawn before I fell asleep.

    I heard the school bell ring, and I knew I was going to get it when I got home. Which wasn't unusual for me. I grabbed my backpack and put all my necessities back inside and zipped it up. I threw it over my shoulder and started walking. I waved my teacher, Mr. James goodbye, and walked out of the classroom. I walked down the hall and opened my locker to grab my phone and stuff. I locked it back up and hesitantly started walking out of the whole school. On my way down the sidewalk, I was dreading what punishment I would bet getting this time. A smack? A punch? A whipping? Beaten with a wire? Beaten with a belt? Or another attempt of being rapped... I sighed as I knew whatever I was going to get would be horrible. I made a turn on the sidewalk that put me on the path to my house, or should I say, 'the path to my hell'. I walked a little bit longer and I was finally there. My long-awaited, never-ending hell. I took a deep breath and sighed as I placed my hand on the doorknob and turned it. Surprisingly, the door was unlocked. I quietly walked in, trying not to alert my parents that I was home so they could beat me to death, again. I snuck into my room and fell onto my bed. I laid there for a few minutes before I heard the front door open again. My eyes shot open as I knew who it was. 

    Oh, shit, there they are...Gotta hide...Ah, under my bed! I thought. I quickly wiggled under my bed before they came into my room. When I heard their footsteps, I realized that my backpack was on my bed, if they saw it there, they'd know I was home. So, I quickly reached up and pulled my backpack under with me. I pulled it under a few seconds before they opened my door. 

    "Now, where's the little bitch at?" Mom asked,

    "School was out a couple of minutes ago, so she must be here." Dad said. I gulped as whenever they'd talk like that, that meant that I was in for hell.

    "I know she's here. Been here at least because I can smell her." Mom said. I never understood how they could smell me. Were they like bloodhounds dressed up like humans? Or were they vampires and could smell my blood? Either way, I knew that they'd find me at some point, but better just make it last as long as I could. I heard them searching my room for me, and they didn't bother looking under the bed. At least, not for a while...

(910 Words)

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