A Sudden Change in Appearance (CLIV)

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October 5, 2024

    I was lounging in the living room and I realized that Y/N hadn't woken up yet and it was almost noon. I jogged my way upstairs and knocked on our bedroom and it opened by itself though nobody was behind it. "Y/N? Are you in here?" I called as I walked into the room, and that's when she came out of the bathroom, the first thing I saw was that her hair was noticeably shorter than it was before, what also caught my attention was that she had a bag in her hand. All of that told me that she had been in our bathroom the entire morning cutting her hair off. "Aegiya, what did you do?" I asked as I speed walked over to her and looked inside the bag, it was full of cut-off hair,

    "I wanted to cut it, I thought it was time to change the style so I did," she stated simply, she said it so... I didn't even know how she said it, all I remember is that she sounded like she was very serious about her decision.

    "I know, but I liked your hair how it was before. It suited you very well and now I'm gonna have to get used to your new style..." I said with a pouty bottom lip as I wrapped my arms around her waist, causing me to realize something else; she felt skinner than she did before. "Jagi, why do you feel skinnier than usual? I can even tell you look sinnier! What's going on with you, is something wrong?" I asked, she shook her head and smiled at me, walking out of the room and down the stairs with me following shortly behind her. "Y/N, I just don't understand, you haven't acted like yourself since you came back from being in your coma and I need to know if something is wrong. It would help me not worry if you told me if something was bothering you." I said as I quickly ran in front of her so I could stop her in her tracks and she couldn't try to avoid me again. I stood there while she was silent for a few seconds, possibly for a minute or two,

    "Kookie, I've been telling you for months now, nothing is wrong. I have a lot on my mind and a lot to do since I've been away and I'm just trying to get back in the swing of things," she said with a faint smile on her face, trying to assure me she was okay; though what she said didn't explain why she suddenly cut off a lot of her hair and why she has lost so much weight. I crossed my arms with my eyes still locked on her, trying to tell her she didn't explain enough. She gave me a curious look and I pointed to the bag of hair in her hands and pulled on her loose clothes a little so she would get the hint. "Gguk, listen to me carefully, okay? There is nothing wrong, nothing is bothering me. I just wanted to lose a little weight and try out a new hairstyle, which I think I did a pretty good job considering I'm not a professional hairstylist. You have nothing to be worried about, if something does bother me, however, you'll be the first to know." she spoke as she placed a hand on my cheek and stroked it with her thumb gently, looking into my eyes as she said what she did. I let out a sigh and nodded, saying I believed her, though, with everything she said, I still couldn't help but feel like there was something wrong. I've tried asking her for months if there was something wrong or if something was bothering her, but alas, nothing has been an answer to why I felt like there was still something odd going on. But, I tried not to let it completely control me so I focused my mind on something other than my worrying because I knew the more I let everything get to me, the harder it would be to be able to push it to the back of my mind and put my attention on something other than it.

(718 Words)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2023 ⏰

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