P-Put the Gun D-Down... (LXXXVI) ⚠️People Being Held Hostage⚠️ ⚠️Self-harm⚠️

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*~My POV~*

    "Hey, Seth, could you-!" I started to say as I walked towards Seth, only to be caught off guard when my legs gave 'way and made me almost drop to the floor, luckily he grabbed me before I could reach the ground.

    "O-kay, Missy, you need to sit down and let your feet rest." he said as he helped me over to a chair at a table. I let out a sigh as I was finally able to get off my feet. "Feel better?" he asked, I nodded.

    "Ugh, what happened to the 'after the lunch rush, everything dies down a little' thing?" I asked, he shrugged. "Why does today have to be a jampacked day...?" I groaned as my feet started to ache. I took a sneaker off and rubbed one of my feet a little to ease the pain. 

    "Come on, we're hungry!" the customers shouted. I saw Seth mouth their words, then we heard the bell ring,

    "Oh, no...not another-"

    "Mom!" I yelled as I saw Mom and Dad walk in, I jumped up and ran over to her, "Mom, I know you're not as young as you used to be, but we need your help. Seth and I are overwhelmed by the number of customers and you're the only one we have hope with." I said as I hugged her. She thought for a moment and smiled,

    "Show me the works and I'll have 'em out in no time." she said. A smile grew on my face as I took her hand and showed her around as fast as possible. After a few minutes, she was ready to go. "Okay, I got it." she said.

    "Alright. Good luck." I told her. I took my hat off and put it on her head and smiled. I walked over to Seth and Dad,

    "Y/N, you can't just let her-"

    "Seth, just shut up and watch." Dad and I said, and he did as told. We walked over to Seth and I's table and watched as the overload of people became nothing in a matter of minutes.

    "Thank, you. And you have a good day, sir." Mom said as she gave the last customer their order and they walked out, leaving the place empty once again. We all applauded her work, well, all but Seth. I looked over at him and his jaw was an inch from the floor.

    "H-How did she do that...?" he whispered,

    "She's just good at it, and always has been." I answered him. I watched as she came from behind the counter and she didn't even have a microscopic sweat drop on her.

    "How are you not sweating?!" Seth exclaimed,

    "She's just that good." Dad said as he gave her a kiss.

    "Thank you so much, Mom. I don't know how we would've survived that hoard without dying halfway through. My feet already were ahead of me." I told her as I gave her another hug.

    "No problem, I haven't had to do something like that in years, I'm surprised I was still able to get them all out of here that fast." she said.

    "Well, if you haven't done something like this in years and you were still able to get them all out that fast, you must've been good that long ago, huh?" Seth said, Mom and Dad nodded,

    "Yeah, she was so good I gave her a forty-dollar tip." Dad said, I saw Seth's eyes widen and jaw drop again.

    "Forty dollar tip?! Damn, ma'am, now I know you must've been good." Seth commented making her smile,

    "Thank you, Seth. You know, if you guys ever need any help, just call me. I'm always at home and don't have very much to do so I can help out whenever needed." she said with the smile still on her face. Then I heard a ringing coming from Dad's phone. He took it out of his pocket and it seemed to be that he had gotten a message.

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