Cooperation is Key... (CXXXVII)

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April 9, 2024
(Eight Months, Four Weeks, and Two Days of Me Being In a Coma)

    "'I hope that one day you will forgive me for causing you the pain I did that night, I know I will never be able to for as long as I live and beyond that. Causing your emotional pain hurts me, but being the cause of your physical pain is just something I will never be able to get over. You mean everything to me, and if I haven't said it enough by the time you receive this, I am truly sorry and promise to never be like that ever again. Happy (Belated) Birthday, Aegiya. Saranghae, Your Oppa; Jeon Jeongguk.'" I read as I wiped tears from my eyes, "Well, there's the birthday letter for after she's fully recovered... I'm still upset that I can't even see her on her birthday tomorrow..." I sighed out shakily, folding the card up and sticking it in the envelope I got for it and put it in my desk drawer. Just as I closed it, the guys came into my room to check on me.

    "Kook, you okay? You've been up here since you woke up and we started to get worried that you may have done something..." Hobi-hyung said, them walking over to me as he spoke,

    "I've just been writing Y/N's birthday letter so I can give it to her after she's better..." I spoke, almost mumbling it, and wiped my tears away. They all pulled me into a hug, comforting me.

    "We know how much you miss her, Jungkook, but the doctors are still testing her to see if she's having any more signs of her fully recovering or if there might be complications. Just be patient for a little bit longer and I'm sure everything will be alright." Namjoon-hyung reassured me with a pat on my back, the others doing the same and agreeing with him. Though, as they were trying to comfort me, my mind started to go to the side I didn't want it to and I suddenly burst into tears causing them to be confused and concerned. They sat me on my bed and helped me calm down enough so I could speak somewhat normally, normally enough that they could understand most of what I said at least.

    "L-Last night... I had a n-n-nightmare that Y-Y/N d-..." I paused as I swallowed a lump that was growing in my throat, "that Y/N had d-d-died in the accident and I couldn't help-help her..." they all looked at each other concerned before they all hugged me, telling me it was okay to cry if I needed to and that they wouldn't mind. Even though they said it was okay if I had to cry, I tried not to because I didn't like to cry with others around, mostly them or Y/N, but I couldn't help it and just let everything out.

    "It's alright, Jungkook, everything will be okay soon. That nightmare was just something your brain made up because of stress and Y/N's still alive, so you have nothing to worry about." Jimin-hyung said as he patted my shoulder, me sniffing and wiping more tears away while he spoke.

    "Jimin's right, Kook. I'm sure Y/N would be telling you the same thing if she were us right now, she doesn't want you to be worried or upset about anything and she would do anything in her power to help you feel better until everything was over, and that's what we're trying to do. But in order for us to help you, you have to help us by coming out of your room more often than you do, okay?" Yoongi-hyung explained, I nodded subtly to his statement.

    "I'll try to be more cooperative than I have been, maybe it will help me if I try a little harder..."

(646 Words)

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