Things Are Improving...Slowly But Surely (CXXXVIII)

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May 31, 2024
(Ten months and Three Weeks of Me Being In a Coma)

    The guys and I were playing games in the living room, me beating them pretty much every time, and when I was about to win the game we had started playing my phone rang. I lost on purpose so the game would end so I could pick up the phone, looking at the number and seeing it was Y/N's doctor and after seeing that name I quickly answered it. "Hello, Dr. Terry?"

    "Hello, Jungkook, we just got some test results back from a few tests we have done on Y/N and I thought you would like to be informed that she is showing more and more improvements every couple of weeks, the signs showing more frequently than before." I looked at the guys with a smile on my face, which they knew meant good news.

    "That's amazing news! How much longer do you think it will be until I can see her again?"

    "From the looks of it, three more months at the most due to more results having to come in and a few more tests are still needing to be done. But, I'm sure everything will be completely fine based on everything we've seen so far." I let out a sigh of relief when he said that as of the looks of everything, she'll be fine within the next three or so months. "Well, I'm sure you have a lot of work to do so I better let you go because I also have to check on Y/N again and see if any more results came in while we were on the phone. I'll talk to you later, Jungkook."

    "Bye, Dr. Terry." he and I hung up and I explained to the guys what he had said, all of us being happy that we would get to see Y/N again soon, and that hopefully, everything will be okay during everything that will go on. When I plopped back down on the couch so we could play our game, I pulled my phone out and opened my diary so I could write in it. 'Y/N's just called and said it would be about three more months at the most before we are allowed to see her, but he also said that all of the results they have gotten back shows she is improving, showing more signs of improvements more frequently than she was before. And he mentioned that even though it might take another three months before I could see her, based on the results of the previous tests they have done, Y/N will be fine until I can get to her. Even though that was said, I am still going to pray that she stays healthy throughout all of this and even after she has recovered because I don't want anything worse to happen to her. I'm going to end this here since the hyung's and I are playing games before we have to run to the store to get some food. I'll write again when I either get to see her or if she comes home.'

(524 Words)

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