Sleep Paralysis (CXXVI)

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A While Later

    Almost as soon as I blacked out, I came to again, but this time I was laying down on the concrete sidewalk with loud sounds in my ears making me quickly cover them. When I put my hands over my ears, I felt something... liquidy on my hands. I pulled one of my hands away from the side of my head and held it in front of my face and it had spots of blood on it. My eyes shot open and I looked below me and there was blood all around me and that time I jumped up off of the floor, I looked at the blood I was laying on and saw a trail of it leading to something that almost caused me to pass out again.

    "I-I-I.. I'm a m-m-murderer..." I somehow managed to stutter out, I looked around and saw Jungkook with blood on his hands and clothes just like me and I was in so much shock that I could barely catch a breath without almost choking. The sound that was blaring in my ears a few seconds before started to become louder in one direction, I looked over and saw ambulances and police cars approaching very quickly causing more panic to set in. I looked down at the blood on me and I started to feel extremely nauseous and lightheaded, my vision started to blur as the world around me started to spin, inducing instability. I saw an officer, paramedic, and Jungkook all look at me when my legs started to turn to jello and it became difficult to stand straight, he and the officer rushed toward me before my legs collapsed under me. When the officer grabbed my arm to hold me up I immediately panicked, yanking myself away from his grasp and clung onto Jungkook, "I don't want to go to jail...!" I cried against Jungkook's red-stained shirt.

    "Miss L/N, you and your boyfriend are not going to jail. Since this was in self-defense, it is not considered a crime like manslaughter or murder is. Mr. Jeongguk told us everything that your ex-boyfriend had done to you, your new partner, and your friends. You two had to do what you needed to stop what was happening, and if I were in either of your shoes, I'd do the same." he said as he patted my shoulder a little and walked off to the other police cars while the paramedics took Nick's body away.

    "B-B-But... we k-k.. k-killed him..." I mumbled as tears slid down my face. We killed somebody, and since I was still in so much shock that I couldn't register that it was in self-defense and that we wouldn't go to jail because of it. I looked around at the scene while the officers were talking to each other and Jungkook, trying to get a little more detail about what had happened. All of the blood on the floor and as well as Jungkook and I made me very nauseous and light-headed, the mess causing flashbacks that my brain had previously blocked out. I shook my head as the world started to spin around and under me, I was so out of my head that I could have sworn I saw Nick's dead body magically appear right in front of me out of nowhere. My eyes shot open with sweat pouring down my entire body, I looked around our bedroom to make sure it was only the two of us in the room but just when I was about to let out a sigh of relief, I saw what looked like a person standing in the corner of the room. My eyes tried to make out what the figure was in the very dark room, the only source of light being the very faint moonlight that was able to peek through the curtains. I watched as the figure slowly edged toward the bed and closer into the moonlight so I could maybe see who the dark figure was. Though once I saw the face of the person, I wished I didn't think I wanted to see who it was... the person I saw in the moonlight was Nick; his head bashed in and his face covered in blood. He didn't speak or make any sounds, he just stood there in the moonlight for a minute as he looked at me, I tried to move either my arm or my leg to wake Jungkook up but I couldn't move. After I tried to move, Nick made his way to the foot of the bed on my side, still just staring at me. I tried to move again but I was still frozen in place, my breathing started to speed up very quickly when I saw him ever so slowly started to climb onto the bed on top of me. So, I decided to scream to wake Kook up, but even though I screamed at the top of my lungs, hardly any sound came from my lips. Nick then quickly crawled across the bed so he hovered over me so his bloody face could look down at me. More sweat was pouring off of me as my breathing got faster the longer Nick was over top of me, but that was quickly put to a stop when his hands almost disappeared and reappeared around my throat since they moved so fast, I tried to move my hands up to try and loosen his grip but I still couldn't move.

    "Now, you die..." he whispered in a very growly demonic-like voice, his voice slowly turning into devilish laughter and his grasp around my neck tightening with every increase in sound. I felt the pressure on my throat increase extremely, I thought for sure if he put any more of his weight on me he would snap my neck into two. I tried my best to get as much breath as I can, but with how little I was able to, it felt like he had almost completely cut off my oxygen. As I looked up at his dimly lit face, I noticed my vision started to blur, and some areas of my vision had completely blacked out. As the long seconds went on, the more blacked out my vision became until I couldn't see anything else.

    "Y/N, wake up, you're having a night terror!" all of a sudden a loud voice woke me up and I immediately started coughing and gasping for air. While I was still trying to breathe, I needed to see if I still couldn't move so I tried to force myself up and hug Jungkook, which I was actually able to do that time.

*~Jungkook's POV~*

    Once I finally woke Y/N up from her night terror, she suddenly started to cough and catch her breath, holding her throat as she did so. Then while she was still trying to breathe, she quickly sat up and wrapped herself around me and that's when she just lost it.

    "I s-saw him ag-again, Kookie... He won't-won't go the f-fuck away!" she exclaimed between sobs gripping me tighter and tighter as she spoke. I wrapped my arms around her waist and lifted her onto my lap so I could hold her closer and she could cry on my shoulder if she wanted to, and she did, of course. I placed a soft kiss on the top of her head and gently rubbed her back to comfort her, "I can't bel-believe I'm a... a...-"

    "Aegiya, you're not a murderer and neither am I. After what all Nick had done to you, he didn't deserve to live, and just think, you and I may have saved hundreds of other girls that would have been abused by him in the future." she sniffed and shrugged a little, adjusting her grip on me and rested the side of her head on my shoulder. I laid against the headboard of the bed and she shimmied her way down so she could lay her head on my chest instead, also so she would be more comfortable. I reached my arm down and pulled the blanket over us since I felt her shivering, probably due to her only sleeping in her bra and thong. I rested my hand on the back of her head, my fingers automatically playing with her hair when it made contact and I felt her cuddle closer to me as I felt more of her tears fall from her eyes and onto my bare chest. "Jagi... please don't cry, I can't stand to see that pretty face in tears..." I said as I felt my eyes tearing up at the sounds of her quiet sobbing, I saw her hand appear from under the covers and to her face to wipe her eyes.

    "I'm-I'm sorry..." her shaky voice whispered as she wiped the tears from her eyes. I let out a sigh as she spoke, kissing her forehead and wrapping both of my arms around her.

    "Don't be sorry, you did nothing you should apologize to anyone for. But, you should apologize for being so pretty, sometimes I think you're not even real because of it." I heard her giggle and it made me crack a smile, "I knew I could get my Chaghan Yeoja to smile." I felt her smile when she pressed her face against my chest,

    "I'm not smiling, I don't know what you're talking about." she mumbled against my skin. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head up to look at me and sure enough, she had a huge grin on her face that only grew when I smirked at her. "Okay, you got me red-handed."

    "More like I caught you wet-pantied, you're soaking wet. Did my kitten cry too or is she just happy to see me?" her giant grin quickly disappeared as was replaced by a bright tint of red on her cheeks. "Well, we need sleep after what all happened tonight so she'll have to wait until tomorrow night... or tomorrow morning." she quickly hid her face under my arm and pulled the blanket over her head causing me to laugh, "But we have to sleep right now because we have to meet the guys early in the morning so if you want to have any fun with Daddy before we leave in the morning, you better shut those pretty eyes and go to sleep." I listened for a minute and there was complete silence, I gently pulled the fabric off of her head and saw she had already been asleep even while I was talking after she covered her head. Aww, I knew she'd fall asleep again at some point, let's just hope she doesn't see Nick again at all tonight... I thought as I switched on the TV so if she did wake up again it wouldn't be pitch black like it was that time.

(1,826 Words)

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