Turning the knob slowly, Namjoon opens the door, peeking out into the dark hallway. He steps out, motioning for you all to follow him. Yoongi follows first, fists held up in front of him, ready to punch something at a moments notice. Next goes Jimin, arm linked with a very pale, shaking Hoseok, who looks like he may faint at any moment. Then goes Taehyung, who glances back at you, nodding and giving you a small, encouraging smile before walking through the doorway.

Your body trembles, and you take a few deep breaths, trying desperately to calm your pounding heart. Before you make it out the door, a hand clasps around your wrist, stopping you.

"Stay behind me" Jungkook says quietly, pulling you behind him, his body shielding you from the hallway ahead. You're taken aback, but can't help the relief and gratitude flowing through you at the gesture. He walks through the doorway, pulling you behind him, Jin following quickly.

You all inch forward slowly with your knives held in front of you, ears straining for any possible noises up ahead. It's pitch black. You can barely make out Jungkook's form in front of you, and you instinctively reach out, clutching the back of his shirt. He turns his head slightly, glancing back at you, but doesn't say anything, letting you cling to him.

There's an eerie stillness to the quiet hallway, the only sounds coming from the faint scuffling of shoes and quick intakes of breath. As if the very air around you knew a secret you didn't. As if it knew what lay ahead.

You steadily move forward, following the group as you creep around the first corner. No creatures emerge from the shadows, no survivors cry out in relief at seeing other people. There's no sign of any other life in the building as you continue sneaking through the dark, foreboding hallways.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you come to the hallway where the practice rooms are located. Still, nothing happens.

Please be here, Mi Young. Please be ok, you think desperately as you near the room that she usually practices in.

Reaching the door, Namjoon stops, glancing back to make sure everyone is still behind him before he faces the door, turning the knob and stepping through. You all file through behind him, Jin shutting the door quietly. Jungkook quickly pulls the matches out of his pocket, striking one and holding it up.

Your breath catches in your throat.

In the dim light, your heart sinks as you're faced with an empty room. Your hand drops from the back of Jungkook's shirt, and it takes all your willpower not to sink to the ground in defeat. The match burns out, your hope fleeing with the light.

"I'm..I'm so sorry" you whisper, voice catching as you choke back tears. "I can't believe it, I was sure she would be here. I made you come all this way for nothing."

"Hey hey, its ok y/n-ah" Jin says soothingly, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "You didn't make us do anything. We chose to come here. And nothing happened, we're all ok."

"We couldn't just stay in that room anyways. At least now we know that Mi Young isn't still here. I'm sure she's safe at home" Namjoon chimes in, the others nodding their heads in agreement. You are again struck by their kindness. They should be furious at you, but instead here they are, reassuring you. Fighting back your welling emotions, all you can manage is a small, sniffly "thank you".

"Hey come on now, it really is ok. Don't cry" Jimin says warmly, stepping over and wrapping his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You lean into him, not realizing till that moment just how much you needed someone to hug you.

The tender moment is quickly shattered by Jungkook, grabbing Jimin by the collar of his shirt and pulling him away from you. "We don't have time for this. We need to figure out our next move." He says gruffly as Jimin protests, trying to bat the maknae's hand away from his shirt. You can't help the annoyance shooting through you at the youngest's sudden callousness. Why is he considerate one moment, then so blunt the next? First he convinces everyone to go find my friend, then gives me his knife and shields me in the hallways, but now he pulls his friend away who's trying to comfort me? Your thoughts ricochet, bouncing around your head, unable to keep up with Jungkook's contradictory behavior. You simply glare at him, aware that he probably can't even see your face in the dark, but it makes you feel a tiny bit better all the same.

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