"It's Minho."

Your heart skitters to a halt, stomach plummeting as you note the fear in his voice. Note the grave look etched into each line of his face.

You don't stop to think, instead just racing for the tree line, in the direction that Taehyung came from. He scrambles after you, loping ahead so he can lead the way. You slip and slide over the fresh snow, barely managing to stay upright in your haste. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you register the others calling for you, but you don't stop.

All you can think of is Minho.

Images flash through your mind, unbidden. The memory of the last time you saw him, so ferocious in its clarity, it practically sears itself into your brain. You blink over and over again, but the images stay.

Minho, freezing in his tracks as the bullet rips through his side.

His hand, clutching the wound, glistening red within seconds.

You friend, his knees hitting the ground as his blood spills onto the snow.

Your name, lingering on his lips as he falls.

Tears stream down your cheeks relentlessly as you race towards your friend, not knowing his fate.

He can't be...surely he didn't lose too much blood...he's ok..

He has to be ok.

You assure yourself over and over again, willing yourself to believe the words. But all the while, your heart murmurs, quietly whispering your worst fears.

You spiral downwards, tumbling, unable to fight the fears ravaging your heart. Squinting through the tears still flowing, you anchor yourself to Taehyung, focusing solely on his form as he races through the trees. Your heart thunders, beating so hard you worry it may thump right out of your chest.

Trees zip by, a blur of white and green as you keep your eyes on Taehyung.

Finally, after what feels like years, you break into the clearing where the battle with the undead raged, before you were dragged away by Kang and Jae-Wook. 

You skid to a halt, eyes scanning the clearing, moving over the bodies of the dead monsters strewn everywhere, until your eyes finally land on a figure hunched down on the ground. The figure turns at the sound of people approaching, and you see Jin, his face uncharacteristically serious as he looks at you and Taehyung. He stands, moving aside so you can see the person lying in the snow.


You choke, rushing over and collapsing to the ground beside him.

The once-glistening snow has turned crimson, surrounding Minho in a pool of blood.

You quickly check his wound, noticing that Jin has taken off his coat and tied it around Minho's waist, fashioning a make-shift tourniquet.

A small flicker of hope lights in your chest as you see that, somehow, he's still breathing.

But the light is quickly extinguished when you see his face.

His skin is deathly pale, eyes dulled as he looks at you.

A weak smile breaks across his lips at the sight of you.

"Y/n, thank god you're ok. I was so worried about you." He says, voice barely above a whisper.

A bitter laugh escapes your lips, and you shake your head in disbelief. "You were worried about me? Minho..." you struggle to find the words. Here he was, losing his life with every passing minute, and he was worried about you.

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