"Jungkook, you're immune!" Namjoon shakes him slightly again, urging the news to sink in. Jungkook simply blinks, doe eyes wide in disbelief as he stares at his leader. A small, slightly crooked smile slowly lifts the corners of his mouth.

Everyone is still for a fraction of a second.

As the realization finally settles, the stillness shatters, the feeling of overwhelming joy obliterating everything else. Everyone rushes to the youngest in a mad scramble, throwing arms around the still-shocked maknae. Not a single eye is dry as the group embraces.

You're not sure how much time has passed when you all finally break apart, wiping eyes and smiling from ear to ear. You reach for Jungkook's hand, intertwining your fingers and squeezing tightly. His dark eyes find yours, squeezing your hand back as his lips form your favorite bunny smile.

Someone clears their throat. You turn, spotting Minho. "I hate to break up the moment, but we really should move out of the open. We're really exposed here." He says, not meeting your eyes. You feel a sharp, inexplicable twinge of guilt as you watch him.

"He's right" Namjoon says, wiping away the last of his tears. "Lets find a more sheltered area to patch up Jungkook, and check y/n's wound."

In the momentary, world-shattering chaos, you had pushed aside the pain from your arm. Now, as the adrenaline wears off, the pain rears its ugly head, demanding your attention. Everyone agrees that its time to move, shaking off the intense rollercoaster of emotions and focusing on the road ahead.

"Follow me." Namjoon says calmly, turning and heading back into the trees. The boys fall into their well-rehearsed formations, following behind with their weapons raised. Minho takes one last look at you before following suit, a flicker of emotion passing through his eyes, but its gone before you can identify it.

Jungkook squeezes your hand again. "Come on, lets go."

He pulls you along behind him, never letting go of you.

As you trek once again through the snowy forest, the sun continues to rise, painting the world golden. You breath in the cold air, truly admiring the beauty of your surroundings for the first time.

"I think this is the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen." Jungkook says softly, mirroring your own thoughts.

"Me too." You murmur, glancing over, watching the way the light kisses his cheeks. The shine of his inky hair. His steady, soft breaths, which you now believe to be the most wonderful sound you've ever heard. You smile to yourself, returning your gaze to the trees ahead.

You're thankful.

Despite the monsters, Boss Kang and his cronies, the cold, the searing pain in your arm, the unclear future.

Despite everything, you can't help but feel thankful in this moment.

Next to you, Jungkook sighs dramatically, rousing you from your thoughts. He shakes his head and clicks his tongue, as though he were extremely disappointed.

"What?" You chuckle at the look of feigned seriousness on his face.

"Oh nothing. I just can't believe you didn't say it, even when I was about to turn into a zombie." He sighs again, even heavier this time. He pokes your ribs with his free hand. You swat it away playfully.

"Didn't say what?" You ask innocently, knowing full well what he means.

"That you love me too." He juts out his bottom lip, pouting as he glances sideways at you.

You laugh at the cute expression. "In my defense, it was a very tense moment and I wasn't exactly feeling very articulate."

"But still, I said it.." he mumbles, pout deepening. You stop walking, forcing him to stop too. He turns to you, eyebrows raised in question. You take a deep breath.

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