Chapter 8- Bonfire

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C H A P T E R 8


"It's not what we have in life but who we have in our life"

Song-Campus; Vampire weekend


2 hours later it's dark outside, the fires roaring and I'm on my third (or 4th or 7th... I lost count) drink. I sit on one of the logs sipping on a solo cup filled with vodka and cherry cool-aid. Cam has a arm wrapped around me only on his 2nd beer.

He's a happy drunk but can be very protective. I can't name how many fights he's gotten in when drunk. Alcohol doesn't change me a lot the only thing is the thoughts I think somehow find their way out of my mouth.

Theo, Asher and Addie on the other hand are so drunk they're going to me hungover until we graduate. Miles has a very watered down drink and Bri stuck to just half a beer.

The sober ones spend most time rallying us drunk ones. I giggle as Theo dances to the music stumbling over. Grayson and Connor spent the night at a friends house because in their words "they don't want to spend the night cleaning up puke"

I walked them to their friends before we started the fire and made sure I knew the parents there so the boys were safe. I look up at Cam and giggle.

"What?" His brows furrow. I reach up and bop his nose.

"You're pretty, well pretty for an ugly person" I tell him leaning against him when I loose balance.

"How much have you had to drink?

"Just like dog" I reply using my arms.


"Yeah, like how much a dog drinks" I shrug standing up and running over to Addie "Addddsss" I drawl on. "Dance with me"

"Sure thing hot stuff" She winks. A new song plays and we bop our heads. Theo and Asher join us. I quickly pull up Briana and Miles.

"Dance you hobos!" I order pointing at both of them. "Or I'll- i'll"

"You'll what?" Miles laughs looking at me amused. Brianna has the same look on her face. I try to think of a threat when I see marshmallows.

"Oooh marshmallow" I skip over to the table leaving the two to dance. I stuff 5 into my mouth and feel a poke on my shoulder. "Wsaf du wou want?" I ask but Cam looks extremely confused. I swallow the marshmallows and as "what do you want?"

"I came to get this" he grabs the drink out of my hand and I immediately punch him.

"Woah, what the hell?!" Ashers asks as the group runs to us.

"Mar what did you do?" Theo questions and Addie snorts.

"More like what did he do"

"He took my drink" I point to my solo cup as Cam covers his eye.

"Because you told me last time you got drunk to cut you off at 8 drinks or you would cut my balls off" He argues glaring at me with his one non-black eye.

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