Chapter 19- Lies

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"If we ever stop talking, send me a song"

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"If we ever stop talking, send me a song"

Song- All we do; oh wonder


*this chapter skips back to the morning*

The warm sun shining through my windows woke me up. The sound of birds chirping filled my ears as I sat up with a smile.

Or at least that's what I wish happened.

Instead the icy freeze of water pouring on my head woke me up accompanied by my twin brother laying on top of me. His weight knocked the breath out of me. Shoving him off, I curse loudly.

Theo and I argue all morning. We basically yell at each other while walking to the kitchen where mom and Grayson sit at the table. Mom looks up at us and Grayson stays trained on his breakfast.

"Mom, can I kill him? You would still have 2 out of 3 kids left and I think that's a pretty good deal" I ask mom grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"As long as you don't get caught" mom shrugs standing up.

"Mom!" Theo exclaims with wide eyes.

"Kidding, no murdering each other while I'm home." She pats Theo's arm. "Now why are you guys at each other's throat"

"Your daughter threw my taco cat shirt in the toilet." Theo whines, glaring at me.

"Only because your son poured water on me and suffocated me this morning" I reply, crossing my arms over my chest.

"At least I didn't ruin your favorite shirt!" He shouts at me.

"I was doing you a favor!" I argue back wanting strongly to punch him if mom wasn't here. "That shirt was a hate crime against humanity"

"It was a fashion statement you bitch" he gasps, Grayson chuckles and mom just places her hand on her forehead. I immediately lunge at him, hopping onto his back at trying to tackle him onto the floor.

Growing up with two brothers I've always been wrestling them. I'm a pro at it by now. Mom, of course, doesn't expect anything less. Grayson just watches, glad he isn't the one getting pummeled to the ground right now.

An hour later we walk into first period joking about a Tik tok I showed him.

I sit down next to Brianna and Miles, throwing my feet on the table and leaning back.

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