Chapter 24- Halloween

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"The most beautiful part was I wasn't even looking when I found you" - Autumn

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"The most beautiful part was I wasn't even looking when I found you" - Autumn

Song- like or like like; miniature tigers


I stood on a small step ladder, handing up fake spider webs and humming to 'monster mash' with Sara and mom. Both women were sipping on a glass of wine and gossiping while decorating.

I tried to listen to bits and pieces but my mind was way to preoccupied. Ever since I saw Evan outside my house a couple weeks ago, I feel constantly on edge.

It's as if eyes are always on me. I've barley slept a wink since that night. His car drives past my house all the time. Random disgusting text are being sent to me and letters are being taped to the window.

They all have disgusting messages about my body or how I'm a whore. I've tried to hide it from everyone but Theo can tell somethings up. Luckily I told him I was just Pmsing and he froze up, dropping the subject.

Too many other problems are going on in our life right now. I don't need to add mine on top of them. I can handle it myself.

"Do you have your costume picked out Mar?" Mom asks, snapping me out of my daze. I step off of the ladder and glance around.

The Taylor's house was decorated in the most extreme Halloween decorations. Every year we have a small party. All of our friends come along with Miles dad, Brianna's Grandma, Carol from the diner, and some other close people from the neighborhood.

It's been a tradition since I could remember. Sara went all out on the decorations and every year upped herself. Halloween's tomorrow and everyone's prepping.

Halloween's tomorrow and I still don't have a costume... whoops?

My minds been to preoccupied to even think about Halloween. In fact, the only reason I remembered it was because Theo wouldn't shut up about his costume.

"Uh- yeah, I do." I tell them, looking away from their prying glances.

"What are you going as?" Sara question, hanging up a mirror that when you walk past an old lady jumps out.


Think Marlee, think.

"It's a surprise!" I exclaim a little too quickly.

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