Chapter 34: Healing

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"Healing isn't linear and a bad day isn't a bad life"

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"Healing isn't linear and a bad day isn't a bad life"

Song- Good ole days; Macklemore


"So am I supposed to lay down and tell you my sob story or something?" I break the silence by asking. I'm in the therapist office which is large with one wall full of windows. I sit on the couch across from Julie, my therapist who sits in a arm chair with a notebook and a pen.

Her hair was in a perfect bun and she was wearing a pencil skirt with a blouse that had no wrinkles. She made me feel like a mess in my jeans and t-shirt with my dirty converse. Sara dropped me off with Ella in the back seat.

"We can talk about whatever you want but I have the feeling it's going to take a little more than one session for you to open up." She informs me, taking a sip of her coffee. I drum my fingers on my legs and look around the room. There's a desk on the other side of the room with many certificates hung behind it. "Why don't you tell me about your friend group?"

"Well there's Theo, my twin who's like a walking ball of energy." I start to say "and Grayson, my little brother. He's completely awkward but everyone loves him."

She listens intently, nodding her head as I talk. She raises her glasses onto her head as I continue.

"Connor is Grayson age and is like another brother to me. Miles is the best listener, a total genius and gives the best advice." I lean back on the couch a little as I ramble on. "Bri is the sweetest person ever. She almost always has her nose in a book. She's like the good angel on my shoulder."

I don't know why but I felt extremely comfortable talking about all my friends to a stranger. Anything was better than talking about myself and my friends are the best topic since I'm always around them.

"Then theirs Addie. She's like the devil on my other shoulder. She's so bold and is never afraid to express herself." Julie nods, clicking her pen a couple times. "And Asher. We have a love hate relationship that's mostly hate. He flirts with every girl under the moon and acts all tough but he's sweet deep, deep down."

"Anyone else?" She questions, raising a brow. I toy with my necklace Cam got me and nodded.

"Cameron. He's my best friend. I've know him since Theo and I were born and we've been inseparable since."

"Is he like a brother to you also, just like Connor?" For some reason her question brings disgust in me. I scrunch up my nose and shake my head.

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