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His relationship with Sakura was perfect; but his family, and hers, didn't see it that way. They felt as if the couple was spending too much time together; they felt they were too attached to one another. They simply didn't understand, and it didn't seem like they wanted to.

Which is why he found himself sitting on a plush couch beside his girlfriend, in a starkly white room, waiting for a woman he had never met before to come and talk to them about their "little problem." Sasuke didn't see an issue with his relationship with his girlfriend, and neither did Sakura. They were happy, young, and in love. But their family had a problem... they seemed to think the couple was addicted... to each other and sex.

How could he make them see that what he had with Sakura was real; that it wasn't just a simple little high school crush... that deep down he knew that they were meant to be together and it wasn't just about the hormones or the sex for them. That it was about the love he felt for her; he just had to find a way to make them see that. So, for now, he would go along with their wishes for the couple to talk to a therapist... until he found a way to make them see the truth behind the real reason he was with Sakura. Her love meant everything to him; the wild, crazy sex that they had together... well, that was just a bonus and he knew that Sakura felt the same exact way.
(Next update will be chapter 1! Sorry, this was the best description I could come up with.)

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