🔞Chapter 9: Traveling to Paradise 🔞

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"What are you doing here?"

"Is that any way to treat your bestie, forehead? Besides, I think you will change your tune once you see what I've brought for you."

"What is it...," Sakura asked; anger and curiosity mixing when Ino came to sit beside her uninvited.

"Airplane tickets," the blonde said while thrusting the paper into Sakura's outstretched hands. "We are going on a trip! So, pack your bags."

"Wait, a second... did you say we? Who's we?"

Ino winked at her. "You'll see."


Turns out that it wasn't just Ino and Sakura going on this little trip; everybody was going. All of their friends had been invited, by Ino's parents, to go on a mini vacation; in order to help their "darling daughter" (their words, not Sakura's) celebrate her upcoming birthday. Ino may or may not have been an influence in the matter, but that's neither here nor there at this point in time. Sakura was simply excited to get away from the humdrum of everyday life for a little while; and to the beach no less!

In just a few hours' time, she would be able to feel the sand beneath her toes and feel the refreshing ocean's breeze against her fair skin... while the calming scent of salt and all things beach related penetrated her nostrils. The idea of it all caused a gigantic smile to form across her beautiful face and Sasuke (who was sitting beside her) noticed. He reached for one of her hands and squeezed it gently, before tangling their fingers together. "So, I'm assuming you are happy about all of this," he half teased; thin lips lifting at the corners slightly.

She turned to give him a warm smile. "Of course, love. Why wouldn't I be? I get to spend an entire week at the beach with you."

"Hn," the raven-haired teen frowned, and turned to look out his window; watching on silently... as the fluffy, white clouds flew by them lazily.

Sakura chuckled. "You didn't have to come you know, Sasuke. It's not like we forced you to—"

"There was no way I was letting you go without me. You... in a bikini... on the beach. No way am I missing an opportunity to see you half-naked." Sakura slapped his bicep with her free hand and he raised his in surrender. "I'm kidding, Sakura. It might be fun to hang out with everyone. Besides, I kind of needed a break from... well, everything."

His voice grew sullen and she squeezed his hand in order to try and remind him... to reassure him... that she was there for him, if Sasuke needed her. "So, he's still upset... with us then," Sakura asked him, almost tentatively; afraid that she would be overstepping an invisible line that her boyfriend may have drawn on the subject.

"Not us...," he said while shaking his head, before huffing out a tired breath. "Me. He doesn't blame you at all, Sakura. His anger isn't towards you."

"Have... umm," she swallowed before continuing. "Have you tried talking to him about it?"

"He won't talk to me about it," Sasuke grumbled, while running his hand through his hair; mussing the inky-black locks. "He just yells. I'm surprised he even let me leave today. The stupid prick. It was probably all moms doing. She's not as angry about the situation... as he is."

Sakura held her tongue; allowing her boyfriend to vent his growing frustrations. She blamed herself  solely for the ongoing circumstances that the couple had found themselves in; even though her boyfriend continued to deny that it was her fault. But... Sakura could only think that if she wasn't with him, he wouldn't be having these issues with his family. She decided to try and attempt a more cheerful approach; (for now anyway) to try and ease some of his anxieties and lighten the mood. "I'm sure by the time we get back, he will be back to normal."

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