🔞 Chapter 4: Night Out 🔞

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Sakura didn't want this time with her dark-haired  companion to come to an end so soon; but it was inevitable.

When Sasuke reached for her; she didn't hesitate to move into his strong embrace...

... allowing him to hold her; just as he leaned in—

Her lips melted into his and with a satisfied sigh, the pinkette allowed herself a moment of calming pleasure, as she enjoyed the dwindling company of her boyfriend; for he had to go home and get ready for their night out. Sadly, after a moment, she pulled away from him; but not before placing her forehead against his briefly as a small sign of her affections towards the young man.

"I'm going to miss you, beautiful."

She giggled at his confession; her eyes brimming with joy before she pinched him playfully on the bicep. His face twisted with mock hurt. "You're so silly, Sasuke. It won't be long; only a few hours and then we can see each other again."

"I'm still going to miss you, love. I always do."

She smiled brightly while leaning in to give him a chaste kiss on the jaw before reaching for the car's door handle. She glanced back at him one last time before stepping out of the car. "I love you," she called over her shoulder. "I will see you soon."

"Hn," her boyfriend huffed with a small smirk as he watched her walk away; his gaze lingering a little to long, on her curvy hips, to be considered respectful." I love you, too," was whispered as he slowly drove away.

Only a few more hours and he could have her in his arms again.


After her boyfriend had dropped her off, Sakura decided to try and take a short little nap before she would have to start getting ready for the evening; as she was feeling exhausted from not only their meeting with the therapist but also due to their impromptu (but thoroughly enjoyable) love making session in the front seat of his car... performed only a few moments ago.

That idea was short lived however, when as soon as Sakura's head hit the plush pillows adorning her silky bed sheets, her cellphone began to ring an incessantly loud tune from where she had placed it onto her bedside table.

The pink-haired teen wanted to ignore it... badly; but decided against it. It could be important and she wasn't one whom normally missed important calls. The young woman reached for it with a huff of irritation and rolled her eyes when she saw the name that was flashing repeatedly across the brightly lit screen.

She hit the green answer button before bringing it up to her ear and then turning onto her back so that she could look up at the white ceiling above her with a tired expression; a soft sigh escaping her lips before she opened her mouth to speak. "Hey, Ino. What's up?"

"Hey, forehead...," her blonde friend responded (with way to enthusiastic for Sakura's liking) and she couldn't stop her eyes from rolling once while she waited for Ino to continue; knowing that the teenager was far from done with her little speech because it was unlike Ino to say only a few words at any given time. "Seriously, what do you mean what's up? I want to know how the meeting went. Did anything interesting happen while you were there?"

"It was horrible, thanks for asking." When Sakura heard her best friend's annoying chuckle, the girl sighed in frustration before bringing her arm up to rest across her closed eyelids. "I just can't get over the fact that our parents are making us do this therapy thing. It's just so... so damn stupid."

"Well...," Ino began, with a slight pause; as if she was wanting to draw Sakura's full and undivided attention before continuing, "you and Sasuke do go at it... like fucking bunny rabbits... and almost on the daily."

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