🔞 Chapter 28: Abdominal Pains 🔞

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"I love you too."

Then, she collapsed against him... breathless and spent; exhaustion dragging her into the deepest pits of slumber.


Sakura woke up to empty sheets, her hand seeking a body that was no longer there; and hadn't been for a while given the temperature of them. When had she climbed the stairs and into bed last night? The last thing she remembers was falling asleep in her fiancés comforting embrace in front of the warmth of the fireplace.

Sakura surmised that Sasuke must have brought her here afterwards, and dressed her for that matter she thought as she shifted slightly in bed and felt the soft, silky texture of her pajama shorts as they rubbed against her skin; her top was left slightly askew... from what she could only assume was a restful, but wild night of sleep.

Her thoughts were interrupted when her ears detected the distinct sounds of pots and pans banging around beneath her room somewhere in the kitchen. At this, a warm smile lifted her lips upward. She stretched while her eyes slowly fluttered open. 'Sasuke. He must be in the kitchen fixing us breakfast.' She slowly sat up, feeling extremely exhausted for some reason today, but once she was up she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up... wincing slightly at the dull ache between her legs...before slowly making her way downstairs to join him.

She found him in front of the stove (shirtless) as he flipped a pancake in the frying pan. His back was facing her so he didn't see her sneak up on him and jumped slightly as her arms came up to wrap around his torso...her head coming to rest on his back as a soft, tired sigh escaped her lips.

"Morning," he grunted as he slid the now cooked pancakes onto another empty plate; his muscles flexing as he dipped a spoonful of batter onto it and the sound of butter sizzling reached her ear next when he added that into the pan as well. "Sleep good?"

"Yes. Though I'm still tired," she chuckled as she moved to fix them some drinks. "Did you sleep well? And how in the world did you get me upstairs without me knowing it," she contemplated aloud, while she reached above her head in a nearby cabinet for some glasses. "And dressed for that matter," was added under her breath, so low she was sure he hadn't even heard her.

"It wasn't hard. You weigh practically nothing— You were snoring though." She gasped at that statement and turned around to fully face him with wide eyes. He chuckled. "I'm kidding, about the snoring part I mean. I slept fine as well. I haven't been up long. Thought you might be hungry after last night."

She couldn't hide the flaming in her cheeks quick enough and he smirked at her reaction before turning his attention back to the stove to finish up the last of breakfast. "Want to do something today, babe," she questioned him in order to distract herself from her own embarrassment... as well as busying herself with preparing the table by placing drinks, utensils, and plates on it. He hummed while switching the stove off and removing the pan from the heat; dumping the remaining pancakes onto a nearby platter... before placing the dirty spatula and pan in the sink to be dealt with later.

"I'm fine with anything you want," he said, pulling her chair out for her after pacing the breakfast platter between them, and took the seat next to hers afterward.

She helped herself and dug into it, moaning at the burst of flavors dancing on her taste buds. "It's so good! Thank you for breakfast, babe!"

"You're welcome, beautiful."

"So, I was thinking maybe we could go to the park or to a movie or something. Just anything to get out of the house."

After swallowing a bite, he said, "I can look after we're done here and see what's playing. Although, I think we would be better off going to the park instead."

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