🔞 Chapter 7: Their Dreams 🔞

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About a week later, Sasuke found himself sitting at his desk and staring absentmindedly at one of his opened text books. The pages of which were being illuminated by the soft, yellowish glow from his small, tabletop lamp and nothing more.

The young adolescent's subconscious mind was unfocused and elsewhere; completely neglecting the original task that he had first set out to do.

It was that damn dream again. What did it mean though... why did he keep having it? The images were so vivid, so clear; it was as if he was reliving that same exact moment, over and over again. It was almost like a cinematic film playing across his subconscious eye and to be honest, he didn't actually mind it. He just found it rather... curious.

He was supposed to be studying. He had a huge exam coming up that would be worth at least a quarter of his final grade. But his mind, began to wander—



She was... soft, delicate, and delicious.

Every taste, every touch, every look... it was all for him; and the primal side of Sasuke luxuriated in that fact.

Sakura's elegant femininity stirred his anatomy in ways that he had never felt before. His own body grew hard in anticipation for what was to come next.

"S-Sakura...," Sasuke whispered lovingly while he lifted from her strong embrace. His onyx-colored orbs were somewhat unfocused at this point, but determined nonetheless as he stared down at her with open concern. "I... I think that we should stop this. Before I... (he swallowed and grunted slightly when he felt her core brush against him) before I end up doing something that YOU might regret."

Sakura could only smile up at him; wrapping her small fingers through the thick, black strands at the back of his head before sighing softly against his heated flesh. "The only way that I will regret any of this, is if it's not with you, Sasuke. I love you. Please, I want you to be my first, my second, and every time after that."

Sasuke felt his heart swell with warmth, love, and affection before leaning forward; lips locking with hers in a passionate blaze of liquid heat and fire. "I love you so damn much," he whispered against her mouth, before moving one hand downwards.

That evening... while the pinkette lay beside him, with her exposed flesh curled up against his side and her facial features smoothed over in slumber and satisfaction... Sasuke knew that this female was it for him. Sakura was his end game, and he couldn't be happier to have her in his life.

Sasuke felt like the luckiest man alive.


Sakura sat on her bed; ink pen tapping aimlessly against the large text book in her lap, while her viridescent orbs tried to focus on retaining the information that was scrawled across its thick, white pages; but she couldn't concentrate. She couldn't think of anything other than that damn dream.

Don't misunderstand, she absolutely loves it and she loves the memories of that night... almost as much as she loves the man that she had spent it with; it was her first-time having intercourse after all. The young, adolescent woman just couldn't seem to shake them; the memories. She couldn't seem to escape the onslaught of emotions that it conjured up during her sleeping hours; as well as her waking ones for that matter.

Sakura's been having that same exact dream, on and off again, for the past few nights... at least. It was a seemingly endless loop... of the memories of her first time... that kept on replaying over and over in her mind. But, why?

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