🔞Chapter 6: The Restaurant 🔞

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Her boyfriend was absolutely fuming beside her; and Sakura couldn't really blame him for it. She was pretty distressed about the whole situation herself. With a soft sigh, she pulled the delicate, flowery clips from her hair; allowing for the long, silky-smooth, and petal-pink colored strands to flow freely down her back before relaxing against the seat of his car further.

The breeze from the half-opened window helped to sooth her still heated flesh and she lifted her legs up so that her knees could rest against the dashboard; before closing her eyes tightly. Her mind was deep in thought and the only sound to be heard was the soft, calming melody playing in the background from his car's stereo system.

'Breath; just breath. Try to relax. It's going to be alright. He won't say anything; he promised. As long as he doesn't catch us doing it again that is...'

"Hey, Sasuke...," Sakura asked tentatively before turning her head towards him. She observed how his knuckles had turned a vibrant shade of white against the black leather of his steering wheel... while his body was completely tense; black eyes hardened and narrowed while he focused on the road ahead of them. Her boyfriend only grunted in acknowledgment, but gave no other form of  response. Sakura sighed again. "It's going to be fine, right?" The pinkette could easily hear the anxiety in her tone... and knew that he could as well.

Sasuke huffed, allowing the pent-up frustration to flow freely with that one breath, before he turned to give her a gentle, reassuring smile. "Yeah, it's going to be just fine. Don't worry so much, love."

"I mean," she continued as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "He said that he wouldn't say anything. I... I think that I believe him."

Sasuke could only rolled his eyes as he switched lanes; passing an elderly looking couple who was traveling at a leisurely speed in the slow lane. "Of course, you do." Sakura could hear the irritation in his voice and rolled her eyes.

"Come on, Sasuke. Don't be like that," the young woman pleaded while bringing one of her hands over to rest on his shoulder; then giving it a firm squeeze as a gentle reprimand. "You have been friends with him for years. Before we met even."

"Our families have been friends for years...," he corrected, while giving her a reproachful glower. "Not me and him."

"He isn't that bad," she insisted. "I mean, I have hung out with him a few times and talked to him. He's always been so polite and respectful to me," she said with a shrug.

Sasuke scowled; his nose crinkling slightly at the bridge. "He isn't polite; nor is he that respectful to everyone, Sakura. Only people whom he feels are worthy of it."

"I swear. The two you fight like your brothers or something," Sakura giggled lightheartedly before placing her sunglasses over her eyes and turning back towards the window. The soft breeze blew her hair slightly around her head and the pinkette breathed in the sweet smells that came with the season; allowing for the soft rhythm of the music, that was playing in the background, to sooth her.

"We aren't brothers," her partner hissed through tightly clenched teeth. "We are nothing alike."

"Or, perhaps it's because you are too much alike. I think that's exactly why you both fight so often," she teased; a small smile forming at the corners of her mouth when she heard her boyfriend snort indignantly.

"How," Sasuke scoffed as he slowed his car down in order to make the turn onto her road. "How are we alike, love?"

"Well," she stated, while bringing a slender finger to her lips. "You are both the same age. You like the same things... for the most part anyway. Oh, and you're both really handsome—"

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