🔞Chapter 1: The Meeting🔞

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This is my newest story and I really hope you all will like it. It's basically going to be smut on top of smut... with a side of story... so be prepared for that! If you are underaged or not into that type of thing, then skip this one! You have been warned!

Updates will most likely be slow for this fic so I do want to apologize for that ahead of time, but just know that it's NOT because I'm giving up on this story! It's just because life is busy and I don't always have the time (or motivation) to write and edit! I want to make this one good, so that means that if I'm not at least somewhat happy with a chapter, then I won't be posting it until I am. I'm going to let you all know that I may be working on new snippets/one-shots in between chapters as well, so please don't get angry if I post one of those and not another chapter of this.

I was going to make this chapter one of the only "safe" (non-sex related) ones, since it was the first, buuuttt... that didn't happen. Sorry! (though secretly... I'm not really that sorry lol)

Comments are always welcome; so that I know if you're enjoying it or not! :)

Also, with it being an au, the characters will more than likely be OOC; so, if you don't like that, then this is probably not the fic for you. Anyway... let's get into it!



The loud, reverberating knocks at her bedroom door caused the pink-haired teen to stir from her previously deep slumber, and feeling irritated at being awoken in such a manner, Sakura moaned softly as she threw her pillow over her head in an attempt at drowning out the deafening sounds of her mother's yammering. They were dulled only slightly, as her voice still managed to somehow penetrate through the soft, cushiony barrier that the young woman had placed against the obnoxiously loud noises; wishing for just a few more minutes of sleep. However, she knew that dream wouldn't be coming true this morning, for her mom's voice grew in intensity and shrillness as she began to shout even louder; the pounding on her door never ceasing in the slightest.

"Sakura Haruno, wake up this instant young lady or you're going to be late for your first meeting with the couple's therapist! She's not a patient woman you know!" It was a Saturday morning... and Sakura didn't want to wake up just yet, so she rolled to her side and closed her green eyes; wanting to fall back asleep. Though Sakura knew deep down that it would be a futile endeavor, for her mother continued with her onslaught and the pinkette began to fear that she might actually somehow manage to break down the door if she didn't try and intervene soon. Today was the one and only day out of her otherwise busy week that Sakura would be able to sleep in a little later than she normally did... but apparently, this Saturday was not going to be one of those days. She had actually completely forgotten about the meeting, if she was being honest... after the night she had with her boyfriend Sasuke. Sakura blushed a deep shade of red as memories of their coupling began to move across her closed eyelids; almost like some sort of movie was being playing back in her mind's eye, in a fast forward motion.

'Who in the world schedules a damn meeting on a Saturday anyway!?! Ugh (sigh)... and how did it come to this? Me, Sakura Haruno... a young girl with a 4.0 GPA, a scholastic fucking champion and the top cheerleader on my squad... how did I get to a point in my life where I'm being forced to go and see a... couple's therapist? Oh yeah; it's because my family is always in my business and thinks I'm a damn pervert...' The young teen took her time in rousing from her prone position as the last layers of sleep left her system entirely. She moved into a seated position first, allowing her plush blankets to fall to her lap while she tried to rub the sleep away from her tired eyes before stretching her arms above her head. She then tossed her covers to the side before swinging her legs over the side of her bed. The loud pounding on her door was starting to give her a headache, and Sakura rolled her eyes as her mother's voice sounded again; though the barrier between them muffled her shrill complaints and made them into a more dull-sounding roar.

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